Chapter 43

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Jason's POV

-When Ty left..-

I watch Ty leave the house and onto Adam's place.

'He never told me a specific reason why..' I thought.

I mean that I know he said that he needs help with something.. but what?

I decided to just wait a few minutes; just relax and grab some clothes where Ty wouldn't recognize me if he sees me.

-Moments later-

I grab my black jacket, change shoes, and change into gray pants. I grab my keys then head out the door, I somewhat see Ty jogging in the distance with his headphones on, I just walk on my way over there.

-Until Ty reaches Adam's house-

I stayed behind a tree where Ty wouldn't see me, he walked up to the door and waited a moment for Adam to open the door. I watched carefully if Adam would pull any moves on Ty.

-Few minutes later-

I was close to the window, but my back was up against the brick wall so they wouldn't see me at all. All I could hear was muffled voices; Ty's and Adam's.

I slowly take a peek at what was going on, Ty was about to stand up but Adam stopped him. I watched closely to what was happening. Ty placed down a cup on the right side of him.

'What..? Adam. Don't do anything to my Ty..' I thought as I can feel the back of my head pounding.

I watch closely, Adam came more closer to Ty. My eyes widen, Adam picks up Ty and turns around where I can see his face, he's blushing.

'Oh Adam's so dead!' I thought to myself as my mind raced, I was about to rage and walk on in there.

But I just stayed out until I calmed down somewhat; also thinking of a strategy, of what to do.

-Switching to Adam's POV-

"Dude, do you think that Jason would actually like this?" Ian asked.

"I'm pretty sure dude, he has bowled with me before and to be honest, he's really good at it!" I grinned, remembering when Jason and I went bowling.

Most of us had out Facecam's on, Seto really didn't have his on. I really want to know why, there was a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry that I'm changing the subject here but.. Seto? How come you don't have your facecam on most of the time, or all the time when we're in the call?" I asked, hoping Seto wouldn't get frustrated or upset.

Seto hesitated for a moment, "Well.. I'm just not confident enough when I show my face in calls or things like that; it feels like I'm recording a video, and I don't ever want to show my face in a video.. And I kinda don't like seeing myself in that little square thing in the corner.." Seto explained, as he seemed to not sounding okay.

"So.. you mostly have a phobia of looking at yourself?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't know why. I mean, I'm not depressed or anything, I swear." Seto said, he sounded fine to me, and I've never seen any scars on him; I could easily tell.

"I believe you, Seto. It's fine, if you have phobia of looking at yourself, that's completely fine." I explained.

"Sorry to ask but, Ty? Are you sure that Jason's okay with you being here without him?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Why?" Ty asked, we were confused why he asked.

"'Cause he's behind you.." Mitch replied.

"What?!" Me and Adam said at the same time and looked behind us quickly.

Jason was leaning against the door with a knife in his hand, it wasn't a butter knife. Ty got in front of me, holding his hands up, I turned off the camera and muted my mic.

"WOAH! Jason, h-how did you get here? Why are you-" I started freaking out.

Jason started walking towards us, "Adam, I saw what you did to Ty in the living room. I knew you two have a thing going on!" He raised his voice.

"No no no Jason, you have the wrong idea-" Ty tried to explain.

"THEN EXPLAIN YOURSELVES! Why were you in his arms?!" He pointed the knife at me.

"Jason, calm down! Look, I felt bad because Ty said he wasn't used to running, I've been in that situation before! He said his leg was feeling somewhat weak so I was being nice enough to carry him to my room if he couldn't walk well!" Ty held Jason back to let me explain.

Soon, Jason froze and began to realize. But he was about to throw the knife at me but Ty was quick; he held his hand back, the one with the knife in it.

"Then why did you ask Ty to come here? He never told me a specific reason why he came here!" Jason struggled, I got up quickly and moved Ty, I didn't want him to be hurt by his own boyfriend.

"Can you calm down first to let me explain?! Just let me explain before you can even hurt me!" I raised my voice at him, Ty has a terrified look on his face.

"Ty, it'll be fine. Trust me, he won't hurt me." Jason said as I was about to say the same thing.

"N-No, just stop. It's bringing back memories.." Ty explained as he was about to stand up, since he was on the bed.

As soon Ty said that, Jason completely stopped and backed off. I look at Ty in the eyes, I see his eye looking at me and gives me a wink.

Luckily Jason didn't see, he sat down next to Ty and wrapped his arm around Ty, dropping the knife on the floor.

"It's okay, Ty. It won't happen again.." Jason said in a soft voice; trying to comfort Ty.

"I guess we have to tell him the truth.." I said, I really don't want to ruin the surprise.

"Wait, hold on a sec." I un-muted my mic and turned my Facecam back on.

"Hey guys, sorry about that." I say as I put my headset on.

"What was that?" "Why did Jason have a knife in his hand?" "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Everyone in the call was freaking out.

"Guys, calm down. Jason just thought something was up with me and Ty, so he freaked out. We have to tell him why Ty's over at my house." I explained.

"Alright, but just don't bring up anything about the bowling. Just say it's about his party, or something like that-" Jerome spoke up.

"Dude, it's fine. Okay?" I say trying not to sound suspicious.

I take off my headset and face Jason. He looks back at me.

"Well.. Um, Jason. The reason why Ty came over here is because that we know it's your birthday tomorrow and we want to throw you something special, so Ty came over here to see what we can plan and we already have something, but we aren't gonna tell you since.. well, it's a surprise." I giggled.

Jason's eyes went wide somewhat, "Wow.. I seriously over-reacted. Ty, I'm so sorry it's just.. my anxiety and-" He was about to go on.

"Jason," Ty silently laughed, "It's fine. I understand.." Ty grabbed his hand, and un-wrapped himself; Ty rested his head on Jason's shoulder and held his hand, smiling.

"Aww~!" Everyone in the call squealed from what they saw.

"Dude, you don't have to apologize to me. I understand your anxiety, plus why would I ever take Ty from you? You two are perfect for each other." I keep a smile on my face, trying to erase a feeling I have.

So long story short, ever since I met Ty, I sorta had a crush on him. But since I found out Ty and Jason were dating, it somewhat hurt me but I was okay with it. If they are happy together, then that's completely fine, there's someone else who I like anyway..

A girl named, Alesa..

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