Chapter 44

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a/n: okay this is now the third time I need to rewrite this chapter since I keep hitting something that makes everything erase. also this chapter is going to be more longer than the others since ch. 45 is the last one, I can't put it on 46 since I like to have stories to end on 5's or 10's and I don't know what to put for a few extra chapters if I made it 50.

-Ty's POV-

It's around 2am, the guys wait for me in another room from a window so I can take the presents and set them under the dining table, after I did, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Message from: Seto

Hey Ty, I'm still up working on mine. Might take another couple of hours but I'll have it hidden while we're at the arena, don't worry about it.


I replied back and put my phone away. I walk back into our room and crawl in bed, then realized there is only a few millimeters between us. I look at my wonderful boyfriend just barely in the dark, just sleeping softly. I gently smile and begin to tear a bit just by how cute he is. I then wrap my arms around Jason and rest my head on his chest, it took a while to fall asleep.

A few hours has passed, I get up from my slumber and decided to call Adam to see what was up with him. Apparently he's been up all night recording and editing videos, I tell him Jason is still asleep, but I was going to take a quick shower, get dressed and all that fun stuff and after that, we hung up and I begin to get ready so I can have a little bit of time to make my space boy some breakfast. I stretch then look back at Jason, he's twitching a bit and moving slightly, still asleep. I giggle by his cuteness. Okay, I need to get ready.

. . .

"T-ty?" I hear a raspy voice as soon as I walk back in the bedroom. "Well, looks like my favorite person is up." I chuckle through my sentence. Jason sits up, I walk towards him and set the plate full of eggs and hash browns on his lap, then I sit down next to him. I lean over and give Jason a kiss on his forehead, as soon as I'm about to pull away, he gently grabs my chin which makes me look at him again, before I can say anything, he gently places his lips against mine. Soft and warm as always..

I pull away and smiled, "After you're done eating, you should maybe take a shower and get ready, remember we're taking you somewhere." I get up and about to exit the bedroom to go back into the living room. My phone vibrates again but the vibrating lasts longer which means someone is calling me. I get my phone out of my pocket and check to see that Seto is calling me, probably it's about the gift or whatever. "Hey Seto, what's up?" I answered. "H-hey Tyler, I got the gift finally finished, and also Adam called everyone else, he told me that everyone can go besides Dakota, but he'll be there back at the house just to let you know." He explained quickly. I remembered that Jason and I are going to be driving with Adam since Jason's mom said she's going to be going to work when really she's taking a day off to set decorations, get a cake and a gift for her son which was very sweet of her.

"I just.. want this to go okay for him, you know-" "Adam told you, didn't he?" My eyes widen by what I hear Seto say. Usually Adam is the one to tell stories about Jason so it isn't 100% surprising, but still. Apparently every time it's Jason's birthday, Adam would be the only one that shows up. Only him, even when he would invite others, they never showed up. Then he stopped caring about his birthday for quite a few years. "Yeah.." I sighed. "Well, it's better to focus on the present instead of the past now, we'll head to the arena in about an hour so you guys better be ready, haha.." Seto reassured, I sighed once again, he was right. I tell him that I'll see him later then I hang up.

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