Chapter 44

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3rd person

"Bella, you can't just take children home..." Ashton groaned, tossing his head back.

"His mum left him!" Bella defended, "What was I supposed to do."

"His mom could've ran to the restrooms or something," Ashton whispered loudly. "You don't know for sure that she left."

They were all sitting in the living room discussing the little boy.

"I do." She muttered, looking over at Ricky. She sighed, then glanced over at Ashton.

"Well what do you plan on doing now?" Calum asked, talking over Ashton who was about to speak.

Bella shrugged, "I'm not sure. I'll just wait until tomorrow..."

"Bella, waiting will just make it worse on yourself. The only thing you can to is give him up to an orphanage..." Luke sighed.

She looked down, "I don't know if I can do that on my own...being in an orphanage isn't fun, at all. I don't know if I can do this to him, he's so young and what if no one adopts him-"

"You didn't do it to him, his parents did. Bella, you have to."

"Tomorrow," Bella reluctantly muttered. The boys all sighed at her stubbornness, but the young boy deserved to know what was going on.

Soon after our conversation was over Ricky opened his eyes, a little confused when he looked around the room and realized Bella wasn't the only one in it with him.

"Hi Ricky," she greeted immediately as he sat up.

"H-hi Bella," he mumbled sleepily. He looked around the room, locking eyes with Michael. "I like his hair. When I'm older I was to have skunk hair too."

The five of them immediately burst into laughter, Michael pouted for a minute but soon began laughing uncontrollably.

"This is my family," Bella said to the boy, who was still confused if not more than when he woke up. "Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum."

Luke, who was closest to him, sitting right at his left side, gave Ricky a high five while smiling brightly at the young boy.

Ricky let out a quick yawn, rubbing his eyes.

"Still tired?" Ashton asked. He shook his head.

"No, just a bit yawny."

"Can we go out to eat?" Bella asked excitedly, almost sounding more like a six year old then the actual six year old.

Of course none of the lads thought it was a good idea, they should just stay here and not tease Ricky. Tomorrow he'd be off to an orphanage where he wouldn't be able to go out to eat and this felt wrong, but Ashton nodded and walked out of the room to grab his keys.

"Nandos?" Ashton asked as they slipped into the car.

Their seating arrangements were a bit illegal, but it's all good.

Ashton say in the front, driving. Michael was passenger and in the back were Bella, Calum, and Luke, but Luke had Ricky on his lap.

"Nandos!" Ricky cried out in pure excitement, "That's my favorite place."

"He's like a mini Niall," Michael laughed from the front.

Bella watched in pure excitement as she could see the boys slowly melting for the little boy.


"What do you want buddy?" Luke asked Ricky after they were all set at the table.

"Chicken fingers please!" He beamed.

Luke ruffled his hair, "I think I'll have that too."

"Same," Michael agreed.

"Why don't we all just get chicken fingers," Calum laughed and they all agreed...6 orders of chicken tenders.

The waiter came over and took their order.

"Is this your kid?" He asked after grabbing the menus. Bella and Luke-the two people that were on either side of Ricky-glanced at each other.

"No," Luke laughed awkwardly.

"Oh sorry," The waiter apologized, "It's just that he looks like he could be yours."

Bella thought that Ricky looked like he could get away with being her and Luke's kid earlier, at least she wasn't the only one thinking it.

The waiter walked away and everyone turned back to each other and began talking well Ricky sat their obediently and listened to the conversations.

Suddenly Bella's sleeve was tugged on, she looked down at Ricky.


"I have to go to the bathroom," He whispered. She nodded, reaching over Ricky to Luke.

"Can you take him to the bathroom?" She asked. He nodded and she slid out of the booth to allow the two boys to get out. Bella sat back down and watched with a sparkle in her eye as Ricky's little hand was taken into Luke's large hand before he was lead to the restrooms.

Someone snapped their fingers in front of Bella's face, she blinked out of her trance and looked over to Ashton.

"What?" She asked.

"Don't get attached, Bella. You'll just make tomorrow harder than it needs to be." Ashton said softly.

"I'm not," She snapped, she didn't mean to, but she did. 

"He'll be fine tomorrow, someone will adopt him fast, he's a cute little boy. I promise he'll be fine."

"I was adopted two times before you guys got me," I whispered, "It was horrible, both times, and I was a year older than him the first time."

Ashton sighed, "I know, Bella-"

"Shh," I hushed because Luke and Ricky were coming back and I honestly wasn't in the mood to be lectured.

I looked over at Calum and Mikey who gave me brief smiles before I had to stand up to let Luke and Ricky back in the booth.

The rest of dinner was fine, then we went home and watched Finding Nemo only to all fall asleep in the living room together.

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