Chapter 52 pt. 2

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Hey...You guys might kill me for this. I deleted a few stories, I know some of you read the ones I've deleted so I'd like to say that I'm really sorry, but I don't have time and all of you would like me to update them and such, it's just really hard to try and stay focused on a million stories at the same time.

I've deleted most of mine and I think I have an Ashton story I published. I'm kinda happy with it if you want to check it out its called "Yeah, I'm not okay."
Please check it out :) thanks

Once again, sorry. xoxo


I gave Ashton a hug, "It's okay, you meant well. I'm sorry about yelling at you...and slapping you...and telling you I hated you."

"It's okay," he chuckled, wiping a fallen tear away and pulling me in for another hug. "Things will change now, for the better, I one hundred percent promise."

I nodded hugging him tightly.

"Don't be mad at Luke, Bella. Just talk it out, and I think that with a bit more time you and Luke should get Ricky. Maybe we can all but a really big house together so someone's always there to take care of Ricky and make it easier on the two of you."

I smiled brightly, "Wait! You're okay with it now?"

"Yeah, but I think we should get a new house first. The apartments to small for the three of you and I really want us all to be together. We can leave the old house, too many memories there. We need to start over, make new memories." Ashton smiled, hopping off the bed and walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I questioned, following him down the stairs.

"To find Luke, let's go!"

I grabbed a pair of shoes I'd left on the stairs, slipping them on as I continued after Ashton.

"Calum! Mikey, c'mon!" I called.

Michael and Calum jumped off the couch and headed outside the apartment with us.

I just on Michael's back, "Let's go!"

He groaned, "Haven't done this in awhile."

I laughed, trying not to choke Michael as we waited in the elevator to go to the lobby.

We walked into the lobby, receiving an odd look from the lady at the desk since it was so late.

We walked outside, realizing it was raining hard.

"Aw, Luke's out alone in this. I hope he's okay." I began to panic, frantically looking around although I knew we'd have to go a lot farther to find him.

We walked to the car, climbing inside. I got the front with Ashton while Cal and Michael sat in the back.

"Where are we going to go?" I asked, watching the windshield wipers.

"The bar." The three lads chorused.

I nodded, sitting up looking out my window in silence the whole ride.

We finally pulled up to the bar and I was a mixture of relief and worry as I saw Luke's car parked there. We pulled up to the building and I went to jump out but Ashton grabbed my arm.

"I don't think you should go in there-"

He was cut off the by the bar door, we were parked a couple feet away from it, open and close.

"He's right there." Ashton whispered. I cocked my head to the side to see Luke stepping out of the bar with his hands in his pockets and his head hung low.

I finished skidding out of the car, closing the door and not even paying attention as I ran through a large puddle to get to Luke.

"Luke!" I called, getting his attention as I got closer to him.

He looked over at me, his hair soaked and flattened to his head. His eyes were blood shot and he had dark circles under both his eyes.

I didn't let him say anything before I wrapped my arms around him.

"You smell like alcohol," I mumbled. He hugged my back tightly.

"I'm a horrible person, I'm so sorry. I always hurt you, I'm so tired of you getting hurt and then I do it to you too." He squeezed his eyes shut, holding me as tightly as he could.

"We're alright though," (a/n wink wink) I got on my toes, leaning up to kiss Luke. "Everything's going to be fine now, we can change things for the better. We'll all be okay."

"We're standing in the rain kissing and I'm drunk off my ass," He laughed, pecking my lips with his forehead pressed to mine, "Is this some messed up version of the Notebook or what?"

"I guess you could call it that," I giggled, grabbing his hand and leading him to the car.

Calum switched into the front and Luke and I sat in the back with Michael, since Luke was definitely not driving home.

Luke held my hand, running his thumb over the top of my hand every so often as we rode home.

I was quite chilly from being soaked, but Ashton turned on the heat.

We got home, receiving more weird looks now that we're were all soaked.

"I call the bathroom first!" I yelled, not even bothering to wait for the elevator, I dashed up the stairs.

I cursed as I reached the top, remembering I didn't have my keys anyways. I shivered while waiting outside the door, my arms crossed to keep me warm. A minute later the four lads all got off the elevator.

"We were planning on letting you get the shower first anyways, but how was your run up the stairs?" Calum laughed. I shot him the stink eyes, walking into my house as soon as Ashton unlocked the door.

I walked inside, immediately going to the bathroom. I took a shower, than changed into a pair of pajamas that I made one of the boys go grab me.

We all took showers than cuddled up in the living room next to a knocked out Luke whole watching Clueless, Calum's choice.

(Sorry this was short, but please check out the new story! I'll update soon xoxo)

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