Fourth year (Bludger Danger)

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  • Dedicated to Rebecca Eddy

Written 2/3/2013

{The bludger. Fourth year}

Anertha had been playing the chaser position for Gryffindor for almost two years now, she enjoyed the rush she received whenever she crept the quaffle past the opposing keeper. However this game was different, bludgers were being abnormally unruly, Fred and George were struggling to keep them under control. This was partially expected to happen as they were playing against Slytherin, they always played dirty, knocking players off broom etc, but this didn't explain the bludgers. Fred came to a stop beside his girlfriend, she flashed him a 'what are you doing?' sort of look, but it didn't come across as she couldn't help but light up a little when he was near.

"An, be careful, these sodding bludgers are a right pest. One already got Katie."

He was clearly becoming worn, he nodded towards the ground and zoomed off towards an oncoming bludger. Anertha looked down and frowned as she watched Katie being led off the pitch. Katie was soon replaced by Alicia Spinnet, the Gryffindor reserve chaser, and the game resumed. The players weaved in and out of each other, there was a lot of kicking and bumping going on. Anertha had suffered numerous amounts of kicks from Marcus Flint, Slytherin captain, her patience was wearing thin. She caught a glimpse of Angelina Johnson with the quaffle heading towards the goals, she flew as fast as she could to a position where Angelina could pass to her, and she did. Anertha swiftly threw the ball through the middle hoop, but instead of cheers from the crowd there was a collective gasp and the last thing she heard before her world went black was Fred shouting her name.

When Anertha woke, she had no idea what happened, all she felt was a slight throb on the left side of her head. She looked to her right and found George with his nose so far into a book, that he hadn't noticed her wake. No doubt the book was giving him some good ideas for pranks, why else would he be reading it? To her left she found Fred slumped forwards onto the bed, asleep, with her hand in his. With her other hand she reached over and stroked the top of his head, he was so innocent when he slept, she treasured it, he was far from innocent awake. George had obviously spotted her movement, as he snapped the book shut and smirked at her as he said...

"Hey, how's your head?"

"Sore." Was all she could describe it as. She stopped playing with Fred's hair to feel her head, she noticed it was bandaged. She sighed. She jumped suddenly when George shouted.

"Oi Fred! Wake up you big goon, your girlfriend's come around!" Hitting him in the face as he said this. Anertha frowned at him, it made him flinch just a little bit.

"Huh? What?" Fred mumbled as he sat up and yawned. His eyes soon fell upon Anertha, who was now sat up herself. "Well hey there." He smiled, squeezing her hand, he looked around the room and then kissed her lightly. Fred wasn't one for huge public displays of affection, it would take the charm away from his pranks, and their reputation, if he was seen to be too 'squishy' as he called it, she never understood what he meant but she didn't care. He was everything to her when they were alone, so sweet, she knew a side of him that not many people, if any, got to see and she loved it.

"Hey." She simply smiled back.

"About time you woke up, our goal tally is not doing so well without you, Oliver is going nuts, no change there i guess." Fred rolled his eyes.

"What happened to me?" Anertha asked questioningly. Fred and George exchanged a look, and George decided this was time to exit and leave them alone.

"Well, um, you kind of got hit directly in the head by a bludger, but it wasn't a normal bludger, someone aimed it at you on purpose. It's the same thing that Katie got hit with. Mcgonagoll's gone spare, reckons the Slytherin crowd were cheating for their team." He looked at her waiting for her to speak.

"Explains why the game was so rough." She said quietly. Fred took a deep breath and spoke softly.

"There's more, look at your wrists."

Anertha narrowed her eyes and looked down, she suddenly noticed her wrists and hands were in some kind of cast. How had she not noticed this before? It's pretty obvious! She looked up at her boyfriend's face for yet more answers.

"You fell." He began. "Um...but as you did, your arms kind of got in the way and well, you landed on them, you broke your wrists." Her eyes widened. "I tried to catch you, so did George but it all happened so fast, I-"

"Fred, shhh." She cut him off, he was beginning to talk so fast it made her head hurt more. Fred could barely look at her now, did he feel guilty? "It doesn't matter." She laughed. "I'm not dead am I?" Fred was momentarily taken aback by her cheerful demeanour, he had half expected her to shout or be upset, but no she had taken it well. He leaned forward and hugged her lovingly.

"No, you most certainly are not."

At that moment Cedric Diggory came running into the hospital wing. "Hey! George just told me she was awake." He said breathlessly as he pulled his sister into a tight embrace. He had obviously ran all the way here, she thought. "If i ever get my hand on that Crabbe boy I'll-"

"What?!" Fred exclaimed. "It was Crabbe? How do you know?"

"George told me, it's been going round, but what does it matter how i found out? He did it, that's all i care about!" Fred sat silently for a moment and then his face turned dark, Anertha hated this face, she knew what was coming.

"Yes. Yes. He. Did." He muttered as he slowly rose from his seat.

"Where are you going?" She asked concerned. Fred only needed to look at her and she knew, it appeared Cedric did too, 'I'm coming with you, i know where George is.' Anertha looked between the pair of them as they kissed her goodbye and stormed out. "God help Crabbe." She thought and then chuckled quietly.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now