The Secret

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Written 16/5/2013

{The Secret}

The air outside was stifling, it was getting closer to warmer weather, much to the delights of the students. Anertha sat inside however, trying desperately to finish the transfiguration essay Professor McGonagall had set. She felt someone sit in the seat beside her as she worked at a table in the common room. She looked briefly to find George Weasley sitting beside her, slightly on edge, as if he shouldn't be near her. There was still an air of awkwardness between them after the kiss; it was something they hadn't spoke about since. 

'What George?' She said, her voice tired. 

'Um, I just wanted to..Er..Check those girls paid up? You know, after the...thing?' He looked around nervously. Anertha rolled her eyes. 

'Oh for Pete's sake George, just say the bet. Yes they paid up thanks. Now, if you don't mind I'm really swamped.' She gave him her best 'please go away look' until he finally got the message. George nodded in acceptance and stood briskly.

 'Good...Um...' He shifted on his feet. Anertha knew exactly what he was worrying about. 

'George, go before you attract unwanted attention, meaning Fred. If you stand there like that any longer, someone will work it out.' With that George left her to it. How she wished he would get over it already, it was one small kiss; yet he was still fretting if Fred found out he would be hurt. She heard footsteps behind her. 'George! For the last time! He-' She turned abruptly to come face to face with Fred. 

'What about George?' Fred looked at her suspiciously. 'Not been bugging you has he?' Fred went slightly pink. She could tell he was thinking George had been talking to her about him.

 'It's nothing. Can I help you Fred?' She smiled. Fred's face went back to his normal colour.

 'Er, yeah...Me and George need help on our essay?' He grinned in hope she would help them. Anertha went speechless, she wanted to help but it was risky being around George right now if they were to keep their secret from Fred. She turned quickly and scooped up her books.

 'I would love to Fred but I'm swamped myself. Ask Charlie I'm sure he would love to help his brothers.' She gave Fred an apologetic smile. Fred looked slightly disappointed.

 'That's cool. I'll do that.' He turned away from her and began walking to where George now sat in the corner. She turned to make her way out of the common room, she closed her eyes and cursed herself under her breath. How she yearned to spend time with him.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now