Saving Harry

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Written 3/9/2013

Saving Harry.

'Anertha can you pass me that bowl?' Molly asked, pointing to a green cooking bowl to Anertha's left. She slid it across the counter to Mrs Weasley. 'You ok my dear?' She smiled as she filled the bowl with flour. Anertha shrugged slightly. 'Yeah.' Truth was, she was tired; she ached, she couldn't focus and she was bored. She had taken to helping Molly bake just because she couldn't do much else. 'You know, you should really take that off before kneading the dough dear.' Molly chuckled. Anertha looked to her fingers. Her engagement ring sat brightly upon her finger. She smiled before sliding it off and placing it in her pocket. Her and Fred had only been engaged a couple of months, she couldn't wait for their wedding day, whenever that may be.

'Molly.' Arthur came hurrying into the kitchen. Molly turned instantly and frowned seeing the look on his face. 'It's time.' He spoke urgently. 'Already?' She looked at the time. Anertha stood from the stool she was sat upon, crossing her arms over her chest. 'Time for what?' She asked. The Molly looked at her confused. 'Did Fred not tell you?' Arthur nudged his wife slightly and shook his head. Anertha was now on edge, a large frown creasing her features. 'What didn't he tell me?' She spoke to gritted teeth as she began to panic. Molly looked to her husband, angry. 'Why hasn't she been told?' She demanded. 'She's apart of the order and YOUR son's future wife, not to mention mother your grandchildren!' She scowled. 'Fred didn't want her knowing. He wanted to protect her.' Anertha had heard enough. She slipped her ring back on and stormed from the kitchen in search of Fred.

She found him with George, preparing to leave the burrow. 'Where are you going?' She asked. The twins looked to her, slightly frozen in place. 'For a nighttime stroll.' George smiled, but he knew she wasn't convinced. 'Don't lie to me.' She raised an eyebrow, she eyed them both sternly. Fred turned to send George away. 'Give us a minute.' He nodded and left. 'Well?' She scowled. Fred took hold of her shoulders. 'You know. I didn't want you to know. The last thing I needed was for you to worry while I was gone.' He looked softly into her eyes. She felt herself soften marginally but now fear was creeping in. 'Where are you going?' She asked again, her voice shook slightly. 'To get Harry. We are moving him tonight. It's not going to' Anertha's heart began to race. A look of concern filled Fred's face. 'This was why I didn't want you knowing.' 'I'm coming with you.' She said sharply. Fred shook his head. 'Another reason i didn't tell you. No, you're not. It's a dangerous mission and I'm not having you out there in harms way. Pregnant or not.' He placed his hands on her stomach, which was now huge thanks to pregnancy. 'The three of you are too important to lose.' He kissed her lightly on the head. How did he manage to make her change her mind? It baffled her. 'I will come back in one piece I promise.' He held her close before kissing her hard on her lips. 'I love you.' He smiled. 'I love you too. Please, just make sure you come back to us.' He nodded. 'Fred?' George called as he came into the room. 'We really have to get moving.'

Anertha watched as they all took us off, one by one, to collect Harry. She liked Harry very much but she hated how the man she loved was now heading into danger to save him. It sent waves of panic through her. 'Come dear.' Molly ushered her inside with Ginny. 'It's far too cold to be outside.' Anertha settled back onto the stool, but she could not concentrate on anything. She just sat flicking her ring with her thumb and rubbing her bump with her other hand, whilst staring out the window. Praying Fred returned safe.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now