Chapter 1

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3 years later...


"Alright that's all. Dismissed," our commanding officer said.


"Except for you Matthews," he said.

I also groaned out loud.

Seriously? What now? We just finished an operation and all I want to do is crash on my bed and sleep for the next few days.

"What's up chief?" I asked.

"Let's talk in my office," he said.

This can't be good. Another assignment perhaps?

I nodded and followed him to his office.

"Have a sit, Matthews,"
Chief said.

"I have a special assignment for you," he said. "You're not going to like this, but this is important."

I frowned. "Sir, I requested time off after my last assignment, I thought..."

"I know, and if you say no, which I'm hoping you won't, then you can still take your time off," he said, cutting me off.

"So I have a choice?" I asked.

He nodded. "My god son called in this favour. It's important. I can't say no, and I don't want to. And you're my best guy. The best fit for this job."

"What is it sir?" I asked, my curiosity peeked.

"The job is to protect his daughter. You will be posing as a family friend who's earned interest in possibly marrying his daughter."

"Now hold on a second chief," I cut him off incredulously. "This is babysitting," I said standing up. "This is not part of my job description.
My job is to rescue, not babysit some spoiled entitled rich kid."

"Sit down, Matthews!" He commanded.

"I thought I had a choice," I muttered.

"You do, but not until you hear me out."

I nodded grudgingly and sat back down.

"You're main priority and job is to protect her," he said, dropping a folder in front of me.

I frowned and grabbed the folder and opened it.

A picture of a young beautiful girl greeted me.

My gut clenched at how stunning she is.

But she also looks familiar...

"Her life is in danger. Her dad is desperate. He needs someone who will not back down. Especially that circumstances have changed and has become incredibly dangerous."

I couldn't tear my gaze away from the woman's picture while listening to Chief talk.

"He needs someone like you, Matthews.  Lia has been receiving death threats. Threats she doesn't know about. The threats are serious enough that her father wants the best of the best protecting her."

"I..." I should say no. There someone else who can do this. "Why do I have to pretend to be her future

"She has a hard time being around people. She's been closed off even from her family. They're thinking that a professional one would be able to handle her and know his limitation. The reason they want you to pose as the family's family friend is so that your presence and your identity can be kept a secret. We want those people to think that we aren't taking those threats seriously so that they'd be lax and maybe they'll make a mistake and we'll catch them quicker," he explained. "Her father wants someone beside her at all times. He wants someone skilled to protect her and someone who can blend in to the crowd. She doesn't know the danger that poses around her. The people after her are dangerous and are on the most wanted list. They are not afraid of anything and they will kill whoever gets in their way. It will be easier to draw them out if they think, Lia..."

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