Chapter 16

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3 years ago...


"Please," Lenny pleaded to me. "Please don't do this..."

"Do it, love. Show me you love me. Prove to me that you will never leave me," Miguel said.

I looked at him as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

I shook my head. "I can't..."

His face hardened.

"Do it," he barked.

I shook my head.

Then a vicious and sardonic smile graced his lips.

"Maybe you need a little incentive," he drawled.

I frowned.

Then he pulled out his phone. He grabbed me to him and showed me the screen.

I gasped. "No!" I yelped.

"Choose, love. Are you going to kill Lenny or do I get my man to kill your little sister?"

I shook my head. "No. Please, Miguel. You don't have to do this. I swear to you, I won't do it again. I promise. I'll behave. I'll be a good girl. Just please..."

"Choose!" He barked. "You have five seconds or I'll kill them both."

"No!" I cried out. "Miguel..."


I shook my head.


I shook my head again. "Please..." I begged him.


"Don't make me do this," I said, but Miguel continued counting.


"Please don't"

"Five," he said.

"No!" I screamed.

"Do it, Lia. It's okay," Lenny said.

I shook my head.

Lenny nodded at me. "It's okay," Lenny said, once again. "Either way I die. Just kill me and save your sister."

"This is on you, love," Miguel said, as he placed the gun to Lenny's head.

"I'll do it. I'l do it!" I sobbed out.

He laughed wickedly.

"Good girl," he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I said brokenly through my tears.

Lenny smiled at me and nodded.

I was shaking with fear.

Lenny closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Do it!" Miguel yelled causing me to jump and pull the trigger.

I woke up in a piercing scream.

Oh god... Why? Why?

Tears were continuously rolling down my cheeks, as I struggled to breathe.

My door bursts open and Jake, Dave, and Allan all came rushing in.

Oh god. Nate...

"Fuck," Jake cursed.

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