Chapter 35

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A month and a half later....


It's been a tiring month and half. After waking up from my induced coma, I spent the next week in the hospital, still recovering. They wanted to keep me to make sure that my back was healing well and appropriately, and that I don't exert too much force or movement that could worsen my condition. They told me that I had come close to being paralyzed had the bullets hit me just a tad bit over.

I shivered at the thought.

Once I woke up, my brothers and sisters rushed to the hospital to see me. It was an emotional reunion to say the least, but after the tears, it was all laughter, well at least for them. It hurt to laugh, so I had to reign it in a little.

But as I spent some time in my bed, I thought of all the things I needed to do. I needed to face the rest of my family and apologize for all the years I've stayed away from them. I knew they understood my reasons and respected it, but I know that I've hurt them immensely because of my choices. Specially Catalina. I know that I managed to talk to her once, just briefly, to simply assure her and alleviate her guilt from what happened. I don't blame her or begrudge her for being safe. I wanted her safe. But I also know that saying that to her wasn't enough. I should have done more, but I was too wrapped up in my pain, anger, and guilt that I had nothing left to give or offer her. But all that is about to change. I can't let the past or Miguel or Carlos have control over me anymore. I'm Emelia Anastasi, daughter of one of the richest and most powerful man, and the kindest and most loving mother in the world, it's about damn time, I live up to who I really am. To be the strong and loving woman my parents raised to be and to be the woman I've become since meeting Nate. I'm no longer living in the shadows and darkness of the pain of the past. I've finally found my light, I told myself, as I looked at the man that I love with all my heart.

The man who loved me at my worst.

The man who gave me strength to fight.

The man who brought me back to life and gave me the reason to live and keep fighting everyday.


My saviour.

Out of all the women in the world, he chose me. I'll never take that for granted, I vowed.

"Are you ready?" Nate asked as he placed his hand in mine, giving it a comforting squeeze.

I smiled at him gratefully.

Took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

I nodded. "It's been a long time coming," I said.

He nodded with a smile.

Today will be the first time I'll be around my entire family. Aunts, uncles, cousins. Everyone. For the past few years since I came back, I avoided them all. I didn't want to see their pitying looks, but most of all, I didn't want to hurt them. I knew that seeing me the way I was would devastate them, so I isolated myself from them. But today, I'm ready. I'm ready to be welcomed back and be a part of our family again.

Out of seeing everyone, I'm more nervous about seeing Cat. I know that what happened affected her greatly too.

Nate opened the door and we walked in hand in hand.

"Welcome home," my family greeted.

They had a big welcome home banner, they had balloons, and our home was decorated elegantly. It was simple, but classy.

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