Chapter 4

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"So what's your story?" I asked Nate.

"I used to be SWAT. Now I'm special ops."

"Why? You didn't like being a SWAT agent? And is there really any difference between being a SWAT and in Special Ops?"

"I wanted something more. Something more dangerous and thrilling. Being in Special Ops gave me that," he said.

"Bet your mom's happy with that choice. I can imagine her freaking out every time you go on a mission."

"I doubt she'd care even if she were still alive," he said as if he didn't care.

Remorse filled me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I shouldn't have said..."

"Don't worry about it. No need to say sorry. You can't miss something you never had," he said with a shrug.

"Any other family?"

"Just my best friend Jake and my team," he said.

I bit my lip wanting to know and ask more, but I didn't want to push him.

"Go ahead," he said with a smile. "You can ask me anything," he said. "I want you to feel comfortable around me, Lia."

I smiled. "How about your dad? Do you have any siblings?"

"Both my parents were heroin addicts. They died, leaving me and my fourteen year old sister. I was eighteen, so I was old enough to get custody of my little sister. She died a few years ago."

"How did she die?" I asked.

"Drug overdose. Carlos Rivera. He got her hooked on drugs," he said.

I stiffened and anger rushed through me.

The name made me want to puke my guts out. His brother made my life a living hell. He took part in it too. I never told anyone, but Carlos Rivera was just as a monster like brother.

But what angered me was realizing that this why Nate accepted this job. Because of Carlos Rivera and information I may have on him and their drug cartel.

I stood up abruptly. "That's why you accepted this job right?" I asked furiously.

"Wait what?" He asked, confused.

"Stop with the act. You're here because you want to get information out of me. One that will help you and stupid detectives put Carlos away for good. Well I've got news for you! I don't know anything. So you're wasting your time," I said, as I stomped away from him, heading back to the direction of the house.

"Woah. Wait a second," he said, as he jogged to catch up to me. "Will you stop," he said with frustration.

"That's why you're playing nice. Trying to get on my good side. You're just using me!" I accused.

"I am not!" He denied. "For fuck's sake, Emelia, will you just listen to me," I said, grabbing her arm to stop her.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed.

"Then stop running away from me!"

"Fine!" I hugged, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I'm not using you. I'm here to protect you, and yes, when they mentioned Rivera's name, it made me want to accept this assignment. But everything I've said and done, I did because I wanted to, not because of some underlying motive," he said. "But I'm not going to stand here and lie and say that I don't want any information you may have against Rivera and his drug cartel, but protecting you is my priority. You come first. Always," he said in a tone that leaves no room for doubt. But the cynic in me. The me that's been hurt and broken so terribly refused to trust and believe his words.

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