Chapter 11

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I shook my head, as I tried not to smile at her witty response.

Husband of mine... That sounds really good out of her mouth.

Fuck. What is this girl doing to me?

She takes my breath away.

"I asked around and there's a dance happening tonight at the city hall, at the centre of the town, and everyone's invited, so I was thinking we could go together, if you wanted?" I asked her. "We can go out today and buy something to wear. Or maybe you... I mean I don't really know what you girls do, but.."

She giggled. "I'd love to go, hot stuff. And shopping sounds good," she beamed.

"Really? I mean, great. Well, I'm just going to jump in the shower quickly and then we can go," I said.

She nodded with a smile.

I showered as quick as I could and got dressed.

When I was finally done, I walked into the living room and found Jake, Dave, Allan, and Lia watching TV.

Lia looked up and smiled at me, as I walked in.

"Ready hot stuff?"

I nodded.

"Bring home one of those pineapple buns that Dave and Allan brought back," Jake said. "Oh and Eddie, don't forget..."

"Eddie?" I asked.

Lia laughed. "Oh yeah. Jake came up with that one."

"Why Eddie?"

"Eddie for edible," Lia explained. "Clever, huh?"

Dave burst out laughing. "You're in big shit, Jake-ass!"

"Fuck you," Jake responded to Dave.

"The fuck?" I asked at the same time. Eddie for edible?

"What? She's smokin'" Jake said.

I growled.

Lia on the other hand, was laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh god... You guys are just too funny," she forced through her laughter, clearly thinking that all of this was hilarious.

I on the other hand was fuming. Jake is doing this on purpose. He's trying to get a rise out of me. Why the fuck would he nickname my girl?

My girl? Yes. Lia is mine!

"We better hide, before the green monster explodes," Dave joked.

"You really need to shut up!" I snapped.

They all laughed harder.

"It's just a joke, hot stuff," Lia said.

I scowled at her, making her laugh harder.

"Oh god, I can't... My stomach hurts," Lia choked out, as she was laughing.

I hit Jake at the back of his head and punched him in the arm.

"Ow. Shit, man." Jake winced.

"Let's go, Sunshine," I said.

"Bye, Eddie," the called out, as we walked out the door.

"Your friends are hilarious," Lia said, chuckling.

I groaned.

I opened the car door for her, and walked to the passenger side and slid inside the car without saying a word.

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