Chapter 2

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The new guard is here. I saw him arrive through my bedroom window. I couldn't really see his face clearly, but he was muscular. I could tell he was well built.

I shook my head.

I decided to see and get this over with, once and for all, so I headed down to meet the guy.

Once I got there, I opened the door and walked in.

I saw another man standing there, his back to me.

The new fucking guard or fiancé... I shivered st the word.

"Let's get this over with,"  I said in exasperation.

"Come and meet Dave. He'll be posing your fiancé."

I sighed and scowled.

He spun around and I swallowed hard once my eyes focused on him.

He wasn't at all what I expected. He's fucking gorgeous. Damn he's just so damn beautiful to look at.

His face was perfect. He was tall. Black hair, and golden blue eyes. Eyes that weakens you're knee... Eyes that makes you want to lose yourself, staring at them. His body was incredible too. He was wearing a white v-neck shirt and a leather jacket with dark blue jeans.

He was so fucking handsome.

But I cringed and anger cursed through me when I looked at him and found him staring back at me, with his mouth slightly open, I hate people who stare. It brings me back to a place I never want to be ever again.

He always stared at me. It made me cringe and uncomfortable. It scared me.

I hated it when he stared.

I scowled and straightened my shoulders, refusing to cower. "What the fuck are you staring at?" I growled. "Do I have dirt on my face? Or you pitying the fucked up girl?"

I heard my mom gasp.

"Lia!" My father reprimanded.

But the bastard had the nerve to grin making me even more angry.

But shit. Damn. His grin was sexy. Everything about this guy was sexy.


No one has ever affected me the way he is right now.

I kept my expression neutral, not wanting him and my parents to see how much of an effect he has on me.

"Don't ever look at me like that again, or I'll wipe that handsomeness off of your face," I sneered. "I'll have you know I've since learned Taekwondo and and I'm good with my arms and legs, so if you want to keep your pretty face, I suggest you keep your eyes from lingering."

He grinned even more.

I scolded and then turned to my father who was looking at me with humour, pity, and love.

I hate the way they all look at me. They look at me like they want to fix me and turn me back into the old Lia. The one who died 3 fucking years ago.

She's gone and she's not coming back! I often want to scream at them, so that they'd stop hoping. They don't know the hell I went through. The things I had to do...

Damn it all to hell.

"This is him? I can see the appeal. I guess he will do as a pretend whatever you want to call it. I don't even get this. This is stupid and pointless. Why do I need more assholes watching me?"

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