Chapter 34

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She looked so small laying on the hospital bed.

Aside from the monitors beeping, it was quiet and her rooms smells of antiseptic. The lights are dimmed.

I raked my eyes over her. Her head elevated and her eyes were closed. If it weren't for the wires and the beeping, you'd think she was simply sleeping.

If that motherfucker wasn't already dead, I'd kill him with my bare hands.

I wanted to move and rush to her but I couldn't. I stood there stuck to the ground simply staring at the love of my life. Her parents immediately rushed to her side and kissed her on her forehead and on the cheek. Telling her how much they love her and that they're here when she wakes up.

She's okay.

She's going to be okay, I kept repeating to myself.

Massimo then looked at me and he actually smiled.

I blinked a few times thinking that was was only a fragment of my imagination. But it wasn't. He really was smiling.

"Let's go give him some time with her, Cara," he said.

His wife nodded.

Massimo squeezed my shoulder in comfort on his way out.

I heard the door click behind them and finally, I my feet move and I began walking towards my Sunshine.

I pulled up a chair and sat beside her bed.

I reached out and took her soft hand in mine and placed her palm against my cheek.

"Don't you ever do that to me again, Sunshine," I said, my voice choked up with emotions. "I'm not worth it. You could have died. I could have lost you!" I sobbed. "I love you so much, baby. I won't survive if I ever lose you."

I looked at her pale face. But even so, she's still the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.

I turned my face and kissed the palm of her hand, and that was my undoing. "Baby... I need you to get better for me, okay? I need you beside me forever. So please. Please sleep, get better, so you can come back to me," I sobbed.

I took a few deep breaths trying to put myself together.

"Just rest, baby. Let your body heal. I'll be here when you wake up," I said to her.

A knock on the door sounded.

"Nate?" Jake whispered as he walked inside the room. I didn't bother wiping the tears that had fallen from my eyes. I couldn't care less whoever see me in tears right now.

"Hey," He said, as he stopped beside me.

"The guys are outside. Charlie's on a flight here too," he said. "FBI sent some men to get your statement as well, but Chief has managed to talk them into giving you some time. So they'll be ready when you are," he said.

I nodded. "I'm not leaving her. I'm staying right here so if they want to get my damn statement, they're gonna have to do it here," I said in a tone that leaves no room for argument.

"I'll let them know," he said beside me.

I nodded.

"The fucking animal is dead and rotting in hell along with his brother and their men. They can't ever hurt her again," Jake said.

"They deserve far worse than what hell has to offer them," I snapped.

"I agree with you," he said.

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