Chapter 13

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"So, Eddie... You really think Charlie's a forever kind of girl?" Jake asked, as he joined me in the patio.

I nodded.

"Hmm," he said.

I chuckled. "You're so easy to read, Jake."

He frowned.

"You surround yourself with all those floozies because they're safe. They make you feel comfortable. They know the drill," I said. "And Charlie's the exact opposite and it drives you crazy. But more than that, she scares you."

He snorted. "I'm not scared of her."

"You're scared of how she makes you feel," I said. "She makes you feel too much. And you don't like it."

"Wow, Eddie, psych class 101?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "You're the typical guy. You're not hard to read."

"She's gorgeous and I'm interested, but I'm a guy. It's normal to react to a beautiful girl," he denied.

"You feel more than that for her and denying it doesn't make it any less true," I said. "Night, Jake," I said and headed back inside.

I walked to my room and found Nate sitting on the bed.

"Hey. I'm just setting the alarm. We need to be up early. Your training starts tomorrow."

I groaned. "Do I have to wake up early?" I pouted.

He nodded with a chuckle.

"Poo," I responded with a frown.

He laughed.

I jumped on the bed, and settled on my side.

I blew out a big breath. "Jake's really bothered by Charlie. He likes her and he doesn't know what to do."

"I can't blame him. He's just like how I was. Afraid of commitments. We haven't had the role models like you do when it comes to love. Our parents loved drugs more than anything in this world."

What did he mean by how he was? Does he mean, he's no longer scared of commitments. I wanted to ask him and explain, but instead I said, "I know but, you are not your parents."

"We know that sunshine, but it's all in the head."

"I bet you, Jake's already half in love with her."

"Sorry babe, but I'm with you on this one," he winked.

I laughed. "Darn it. I was hoping to win a good chunk of money," I joked.

"Let's bet on Dave and Allan," we said at the same time, and burst out laughing.

"Tomorrow," he said.

I nodded in agreement.

I smiled at him. "Goodnight Nate."

"Goodnight Sunshine," replied.

I snuggled next to him and wrapped my right arm around him.

I felt him kiss me on the top of my head, before I fell asleep.


"Wake up, Sunshine," I said softly.

She groaned and pushed me away.

I chuckled. "Sunshine, time to wake up," I tried again.

"Go away!"

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