Chapter 30

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"Frank," I answered.

I listened to my man on the inside as he relayed the message to me.

"Very good. Who will be with her?" I asked.

I smiled. "Well done," I said. "You know what to do," I added, before ending the call.

"Gather everyone. We leave tomorrow," I told Joaquin.


"Here. This is the message that you will send him through email. It's brief but concise," Chief Cain said.

I nodded.

"You will give him the time and place to meet you," Chief said.

I nodded. "I got it," I said and typed out the email.

I read it over to make sure that it was exactly what they had on the paper.

"Okay. I'm going to send it now," I said.

Nate simply placed his arms around me in support.

"Now what?" Nate asked.

"We wait," Uncle Cain said. "We wait for his response."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked.

"He wants you," He replied. "He'll respond. We'll be ready when he does."

I nodded.


"Nate, I need you back in LA for this operation," Chief Cain said.

I frowned at that. "But I need to be here with Lia," I said

"Lia will be safe here with Denvers, Fooley, and Clark," he said. "I need you to lead the team. We both know that Rivera will not surrender and I need my best men out on the field to take down this son of a bitch, once and for all," he said.

"Are you asking me? Or is this an order?" I asked.

Chief remained silent at my question. "I know that leaving her here is hard, but we both know that this is the best move we've got. But more than that, this is our best chance at getting Rivera."

I listened to what Chief had to say, but I already knew in my gut that he was right. I just don't know how Lia would react and feel about me going back and leaving her to finish this once and for all.

"I need to speak with Lia. I don't know how she's going to feel about all of this," I said.

He sighed and nodded.

I found Lia inside our room reading a book.

She put the book down on her lap when she saw me and smiled.

I returned her smile with one of my own.

"I need to tell you something, Sunshine," I said.

She sat up in med and crossed her legs. "Why do you sound like I'm not going to like what you have to say?" she muttered.

"Well... Chief Cain wants me to go to LA and lead the team," I said.

Immediately, Lia, climbed on top of me and hugged me fiercely as she shook her head against me. "Nate. No. Please don't go. I need you here. Don't go," she said, as she started to hyperventilate.

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