Chapter 6

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Damn it!

It's been 5 days. 5 freaking days!

I have done everything I could possibly think of to make that stupid man quit, but damn him!

I can hear his laughter all the way from here.

The sound of laughter was getting closer and closer.

"Is that all you've got, sunshine?" He asked.

I raised my chin up.

"Lia, when are you going to accept that I'm not going to anywhere?"

"You will!" I said stubbornly.

"Lia, I've been through hell and back. With my job, you can't even imagine all the hell that I've been through."

"You're forgetting something, agent," I said. "I've been through hell as well," I said. "And I'm still living in it."

"You know, I don't get you," he said.

I looked him in a way that told him to go on and explain what he meant.

"During the day, you come at me like a raging tiger, but then at night, you hold onto me like you don't want to let go," he said with a mischievous and teasing smile.

I felt myself redden at his words.

He calms me down at night after my nightmares. For the past few nights he has been sleeping in my room. After that first night when I found out that my sister walked in early in the morning, I tried to convince Nate that he didn't have to stay with me, and that I'm used to my night terrors, that I didn't need him to calm me down. But he just kept on coming into my room at night, and eventually I surrendered and finally admitted to myself that I do need him to calm me down.

He now sleeps on my bedroom floor. But just knowing that he's there helps me sleep better at night.

"Sunshine, just accept defeat," he said. "I'm not quitting. Besides you've only got what? 2 days left?"

I scowled at him. "If I admit defeat, does that mean the bet is off and I don't have to go on dates with you?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Nope. It means I win, and you have to go on dates with me."

I glared at his smug face.

"Can you wipe that smug look off your face?" I huffed.

He laughed.

"I'm going to punch you if you don't stop laughing," I hissed.

He only laughed harder.

I made a fist, and moved to punch him, but Nate was too quick. He caught my hand, and pulled me towards him, causing me to gasp in surprise.

My breath caught at how close we are.

I was frozen in place, afraid that any slight movement, will cause our lips to touch.

I swallowed hard.

He looked at my mouth then back up to my eyes again.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest

He moved slightly, causing me to jump back.

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