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1 year later...


"Fuck that. I don't care if they pay me millions, I'm not going," Nate snapped at Jake.

"Calm the fuck down man. I get it. I was just letting you know what our clients said," Jake said.

"Yeah, well they can go find someone else to work security for them. You know I can't leave Lia, not in her condition," he said.

I decided to make my presence known. "Last time I checked, I'm an able human being. I'm pregnant not helpless," I said.

"Sunshine! You should be resting," he chastised, as he rushed to my side.

I smiled at this incredible man I get to call my husband. But I swear, he drives me crazy with his overprotectiveness. "Nate, seriously, I'm fine. And what's this I hear?" I asked. "A client wants you on the job?"

He closed his eyes and groaned. "Nothing. The senator wants me to work security for him when he goes to China," Nate said. "I'm not going. And if he thinks he can get me to leave you at any amount then he's got another thing coming," he scowled.

I bit back a chuckle at the look on his face.

"He can take his pick among the others, or find another security company to hire."

"You're gonna have to accept a job sometime, Nate or we're going to lose every client that walks through our door," Jake said as he punched the bridge of his nose.

"Let's see you say that once you get Charlie pregnant," Nate said heatedly.

I giggled at the look on Jake's face. He looked terrified, yet his eyes lightened up with delight as well. That's why I knew he more than liked the idea of being a dad.

I looked down at Nate's hand, that's resting on my very pregnant belly. I placed my hand on top of his.

I smiled as I looked at our wedding band.

Exactly a month after he proposed we had a small ceremony at my parents garden, where it all began. It was small, private, and intimate, with only our close friends and family in attendance.

It was beautiful. It was perfect.

He surprised me with a honeymoon in Bali. We spent the next three weeks soaking up the sun, our bare feet in the warm sand, and the cool ocean breeze on our faces, and at night, wrapped in each other's arms, as we made love into the wee hours of the night.

I sighed in content at the memory. He makes me so damn happy. He makes everyday even better and even more memorable and happier, u don't know how he does it.

My incredible husband.

My everything.

After getting back, Nate surprised me again with his decision to leave the special ops. I have to admit it pleased the hell out of me, knowing that he wasn't going to put his life in as much danger ever again. but I also knew that saving people's lives is a big part of him, so I wanted to make sure he wasn't doing it because he thinks it's what I want.

I smiled as I remembered our conversation.

"Sunshine, I'm doing this because I want to, not because I have to," he assured me.

"But you love what you do," I argued.

"Baby, I loved what I do because it was the only thing I know," he explained. "But that's not the only life I know now. The life I want is the life where I'm your husband and the father of our children," he said, causing the tears to well in my eyes.

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