Chapter 24

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I slowly woke up, and felt the sheet next to me.

It was empty.

I opened my eyes slowly and glanced at the clock, surprised to see that it was only 5am.



Where is she?

I threw the covers off of me and climbed out of bed.

I pulled my jeans on and a shirt, before heading down the stairs.

The front door was open, with only the screened door, blocking the cold wind from blowing into the house.

I pushed the screen door open, and looked into the beach and found Lia standing there.

A smile curled my lips.

I jogged towards her.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

She leaned back against me.

"I missed waking up next to you," I said. "And you really shouldn't be out here alone, Sunshine."

"I'm safe here, Nate," she said.

She turned around to face me.

She looked at me with pain-filled eyes.

I frowned. "What's wrong?"

Tears welled in her eyes.

She cupped my face, and caressed it with her soft hands.

"I love you. No matter what," she said softly, her voice cracking with emotions.

"I know, sweetheart," I told her.


Oh god... How do I say it?

My heart was squeezing painfully.

"Lia?" Nate asked worriedly, as he cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. "Baby, you're scaring me," he said.

"I'm so sorry, Nate," I broke off in a sob.

He frowned in confusion.

Just say it, I told myself.

Just tell him!

"I... I knew your sister," I finally said.

He frowned in confusion.


I nodded.

Confusion marred his face, but slowly, I saw us realization and understanding came to him. "Rivera... You met her through him," he stated.

I nodded. "Carlos brought her during the time I was with Miguel."

He nodded with disgust. "That fucking animal got my sister hooked on drugs. I just finished my training. I got my first job as a SWAT agent and I was sent on a mission. I should have been there for her, if I had known what was happening with her, That she has gotten involved with Carlos, then I would have stayed and I could have stopped it. If I had..."

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