Chapter 20

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"How was work, Sunshine?" Nate asked as I climbed inside the car.

"Just peachy," I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Jake happened."

He raised his eyebrows in question.

"He and Charlie. They're both being stupid," I said in exasperation.

Nate chuckled. "Let them figure it out, Sunshine."

"I know, but..." I trailed off and sighed.

"Whatever happened, I'm sure they will both come around."

I nodded. "I hope so."


"Dude, why don't you just talk to her?" I asked Jake, who has been in a shitty mood for the week and a half.

"To who?" He asked, playing dumb.

"Charlie, that's who."

"She's made it clear that she doesn't want anything to do with me," Jake said. "I can take a hint. I'm not a fucking idiot."

"Yes, you are," Dave said.

"Fuck you, asshole," Jake flipped off Dave.

"You are being an idiot, Jake. You're both scared of how you make each other feel and at the first sign of your fears you lashed out at each other, instead of fighting through it," I said.

"You're girlfriend talks too much," he grumbled. "Maybe Charlie was right. I don't have it in me," Jake started to say. "I'm not you, Nate. I don't think I can do this relationship shit."

"Yes you can, man. It only takes the right woman," I said. "I never thought I would find someone I could love with all my heart. Loving Lia has made me feel like I'm the strongest, most powerful man; like I'm capable of anything. That I'm good enough despite of everything I've done wrong in the past," I continued. "That's what love is about, Jake. It's about loving someone enough, to want to be good enough."

Jake simply looked at me.

"I know you, Jake. And from what I can see, you love her," I said.

He frowned and tried to deny it.

"Love sometimes happen so fast. It just hits you, and sometimes it takes time. It grows slowly, either way, it will never go away. It will only grow stronger. And Jake, you love her."

He didn't deny it this time.

"The questions is. How much do you love her?" I pointed out. "Do you love her enough to fight for her? Or are you willing to lose her because of your pride? And if that doesn't answer your question, then ask yourself this, how would you feel if you see Charlie with another man?"

Jake's face immediately hardened.

"If you can picture her happy with someone else, without feeling like your heart has been ripped out of you, and stomped on repeatedly, then I guess you're right to walk away," I said.

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