Chapter 23

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"I'm gonna go for a walk at the beach," I told Diego and Pier.

"Ma'm please at least finish your fruits," Diego said.

"I'm not that hungry. Maybe later," I said.

He opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it.


"I'm fine," I insisted. "I'm going for that walk now," I said.

They both sighed and nodded as they followed me out to the beach.

It's almost dark. I love watching the sunset.

I still don't know what to do about Nate. I've been thinking about him, about us a lot after my conversation with my dad. A part of me wants to go back to Nate, but a bigger part of me says that I have no right to. Not until I tell him the truth. But how can I tell him? I don't think I could stand to see the look of utter dismay, hate, and disgust on his face, once he finds out the truth.

I've lived with this guilt for a very long time. And knowing that I killed the sister of the man I love with my whole heart, is unbearable. Not having Nate around me has made it worse.

I can't sleep. I can barely eat... I don't know how I can get past this. How I'll be able to survive.

I sat on the sand, and pulled my legs to my chest I wrapped my arms around my legs as tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry...." I whispered brokenly.

I closed my eyes tightly, as tears continued to roll down my cheeks.


I gasped.


I opened my eyes and turned to my side and saw Nate. Standing before me.

He walked slowly towards me.

His eyes wet with his own tears.

He stopped until he was in front of me.

Oh god... How did he find me?

Is he really here?

He kneeled in front of me.


Before he could say anything else.

A sob erupted from my throat and I threw myself at him and cried, as I hugged him fiercely.

He hugged me back just as tight.


Seeing Lia, nearly killed me.

She had dark circles under her eyes, indicating that she hasn't been sleeping well.

She's lost a lot of weight, telling me that she hasn't been eating either.

Oh god...

Looking at her pained me.

The sadness, pain, and sorrow in her eyes, squeezed my heart painfully.

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