Chapter 9

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Lia has slept through out our trip. We only have about a half hour more to go before we arrive at the safe house. 

She has been deprived of sleep for years, and I can't blame her for being so tired. That's also why I didn't bother waking her up. I wanted her to get as much sleep as she could. Like I said, the next few weeks or even months won't be easy.

I quickly sent my best friend Jake a message saying that we were arriving soon.

Jake, Dave, and Allan are already at the house waiting for us. By the time they arrived they wood been briefed by our Chief and are aware of the situation. What they don't know is that, this is no longer just a job for me. This is personal. I'm protecting the woman I love. But I plan on letting them know just how important Lia is to me.

I looked at Lia quickly and smiled.

I can't wait for them to meet my Sunshine. They will love her.

I chuckled. My little potty-mouthed Angel.

I turned to the long gravelled road that leads to the house. As I was getting closer, I could see the light inside the house.

Finally, I pulled into the driveway behind the guys' car.

I looked over to where Lia was still sleeping peacefully.

I opened my door, and for out of the car.

Jake, Dave, and Allan came out of the house.

I out my finger up to my lips. "Shhh..." And pointed to Lia's sleeping form.

We gave each other a brotherly hug. "It's good to see you, guys," I said.

"Let's get you two inside, so we can talk," Jake said quietly.

I nodded.

I opened Lia's door, and lifted her gently into my arms.

"I don't want to wake her," I said quietly.

"I'll get your things," Dave said.

I carried Lia inside the house and into the hallway, where her room is. She didn't even stir.

I smiled to myself, as I laid her down gently on the bed.

I pushed her hair back, and kissed the top of her head.

I looked at her one last time before stepping out of the room to talk to the guys.

I walked back to the main room, and to the dining room where they were all sitting.

"I put your things in your room," Dave said.

I nodded. "That's fine. I'll sort it out later."

"I'm guessing you've all read your brief?"

They all nodded.

"That son of a bitch is lucky he's dead, or I'll kill him myself," Allan growled.

I nodded. I know the feeling. "Look, this is not just one of our missions. This is personal to me," I said.

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