Chapter 32

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"Did you take care of the two men?" I asked Denvers.

"It's done. And she's upstairs in her room," Denvers said.

"Good. I'll go first," I said.

I'm excited and dying to see my love.

"Which one is her room?" I asked quietly.

"Last door on your left."

I nodded.

I smile graced my lips. I will finally get a taste of her.

Before I opened the door, I turned around and said," Wait here."

Denvers and Joaquin nodded.

I grabbed the door handle and turned the knob.

"Hello, Emel..." I stopped, when I found the room empty.

I frowned.

"Lia?" I called out.

I quickly walked in and searched the room.

I heard a shower running.

The bathroom door was closed.

I smiled.

Perfect. Just perfect, I thought to myself.

I grabbed the door know and found it locked.

I frowned.

"Lia, open up," I said.


"Open the door, Lia. You know how I hate repeating myself," I said.

Still, nothing.

"Lia!" I barked. "Open the door, right now!" I ordered, growing impatient.


"I'm going to fucking break this door, if you don't open it now," I said.

Still, nothing.

"I warned you," I said, as I grabbed my gun, and took a shot at the door knob.

I pushed the door open and anger cursed through me.

The bathroom was empty.

"Denvers!" I growled.

I heard hurried steps.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What's wrong?" I asked incredulously. "What's wrong? She's not fucking here!" I barked.

"What?" He asked in disbelief. "That's impossible. She said she was coming up hear to read," he argued.

"Well she's not here!" I said. "Search the fucking house!"
I ordered.

I then turned to Denvers. "All you had to fucking do was to make sure that she stays inside this house and you couldn't do it?" I growled as I pointed a gun to his head.

"Woah. Take it easy Rivera. How was I supposed to know that she's be sneaking out?"

"Your job is to know!"

"Look, I've gotten you this far..."

I narrowed my eyes at him and pulled the trigger.

"You fucking talk too much," I said, as I walked past his lifeless body.

I ran into Joaquin when I got downstairs. "We can't find find her anywhere," he said.

Anger cursed through me.

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