Chapter 3

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She did it. I thought proudly.

"This is great, sunshine. If we do this everyday, you'll get used to it by the time we have to start acting like an engaged couple."

Sunshine? I've really got to stop with the pet names.

She blinked a few times, then frowned. And just like that our connection was broken. She pulled her hand back quickly.

"Are we done now?" She asked as she folded we arms around her in a protective gesture.

She shook her head. "I did what you asked. I'd like to be alone now," she said.

I nodded in understanding. "I'll see you later then."

She nodded without looking at me.

I walked to her door.

I stopped and turned back around. "I'm here to stay. I'll protect you with my life. And one thing you should know about me, is that when I make a promise. I don't ever break them," I said. "I'll be next door if you need me, or if you change your mind. We can still go for that tour," I said before shutting the door behind me.

I stood outside her door for a few seconds before heading inside my room next door.

The fear in her eyes was evident, and yet somehow, she trusted me enough to actually try.

I felt immensely proud of her. I knew how hard it must be for her to place her trust on me, but somehow she did.

I smiled to myself, as I plopped my head on the pillow.


Once I heard the door shut, I buried my face in my pillow to muffle my cries.

I know that it seems irrational to others, but the thought of being close to someone, of feeling scared the shit out of me.

Miguel taught me how to stop caring. The less you care the less it hurts. And caring hurts. And if I allow myself to start feeling again, it will only bring unnecessary pain.

But what is it about Nate Matthews that makes me feel... Safe?

I shook my head.

You barely know him. Besides he'll leave just like the others. He won't be able to handle your night terrors. You're fucked up just like what the last guard said.

Way too fucked up...

I should have just died... They shouldn't have rescued me...

I started to sob again, as I remembered my time with Miguel.

3 years ago...

"I've got a surprise for you my love," he said as he walked through the door.

I wanted to vomit at the sight of him and at the sound of his voice.

"Are you still upset with me my love?" He asked as he pushed my hair out of my face. "Yo know it's your fault," he said. "You should have just did what I asked. If you had, I wouldn't have gotten mad at you," he said. "Now look what you made me do," he said, as e touched my bruised face.

"But that's over now. Come in see what I have for you," he said, as he dragged outside of the room into the living room.

Oh god... Not again. Oh god no...

"Miguel, please... Please..." I pleaded.

He laughed. "What's the matter, my love? Don't you like my surprise?"

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