Stomach Bug - part one

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This is a joint one direction sickfic story that me and Noorie9 have been working on for the last few months. Hope you all like it; it gets a bit graphic at times. I have changed things slightly to make sense with things that we have written further down the line of the story. Brief description of the story Liam is ill and then the rest of the boys catch it. Harry has a condition which only Louis knows about, up until now he has been able to hide it from the boys.

This story works by Norrie9 writing a bit and then me writing a reply to fit the story together so sorry if it seems jumbled in places. The first few I have put our names at the beginning so you know who write it and then hope you get the gist of it from there.

Ilangel1- It was just another busy day in the one direction world Liam's alarm went off

Noorie9 raised his sleepy head from the pillow and threw the alarm against the wall . He was really tired and pissed off.

Ilangel1-He turned over and fell back to sleep. The throwing the phone had woken Zayn up. He couldn't believe that Liam had fallen back to sleep it was strange.

Norrie9 - Zayn couldn't get back to sleep so decided to get up and leave Liam to sleep, as he was probably exhausted.

Ilangel1 - Zayn wasn't sure what to do he decided to leave Liam to sleep as he was always up early and decided to wake the other three up

Noorie9 - He went to Niall's room . He laughed softly and looked at the sleeping on the ground " he didn't even wake up after he fell from bed" he chuckled

Zayn then got down and shook Niall "Time to wake Ni" Zayn said.

"Mmmm" he murmured softly and looked up at Zayn and then around the room . He was so confused because he didn't find himself in his bed

"How did I get down here" Niall mumbled as he was still half asleep. "I don't know mate but we have a busy day to get started." Zayn said. He then went into Harry and Lou's room to wake them up.

Harry was sleeping sooo peacefully in his bed hugging his cat tightly and his cat obviously isn't having a good time because she looks like she can't breathe.

Zayn nudged him slighty "Haz it's time to get up." Zayn said. Harry groaned but then was confused why Zayn was waking him up.

Harry lifted his body up a little that his cat found the chance to escape. "Zayn !!! You woke up" he exclaimed "where's Liam , why he isn't waking me up , did. Something happened"

"He is still fast asleep decided to give him a break this morning" Zayn said none the wise". Harry nodded and then looked at Lou who was still fast asleep. "Lou you won't believe it but Zayn here is waking us up." Harry said as he gently kissed his boyfriends forehead.

"I won't believe you until I see it" I heard Louis said sleepily before opening his eyes.

Louis opened his and laid there with his mouth open wide as he looked at Zayn perched on their bed. Liam was still fast asleep, he was starting to shiver as he slept but was also sweating in his sleep.

"You switched souls with Liam " Louis shouted then jumped up on to Zayn shaking him " GET OUT OF ZAYN , LIAM AND GO TO YOUR BODY"

"It really is me and shhh Liam's still asleep he deserves a rest and day of from being first up." Zayn laughed

"I know he deserves . We were wondering why he's still in his bed . This isn't the Liam we know" Harry pointed out

Let's get ready and cook breakfast and give him a lie in for once." Zayn said as he got up.

" I want pancakes " Niall stated . " I'll cook you some " Harry said as he stroked Niall's hair . They made their way out of Harry's bed and went down stairs . Then Louis stopped at the middle of the hallway "I'll come , you go and have breakfast . I'm going to check on Liam " Zayn shook his head because Louis still can't believe him Niall laugh . And Harry sighed because he was too worried.

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