Chapter 8

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Reminder this story is written by  Noorie9 and myself.

Chapter 8

Noorie 9 – "I want my mommmy." Cried Louis, then John picked him up in his strong arms, 

"How do you feel now?" John asked

"I can't feel my body, I think I'm paralysed." Cried Louis louder.

"Does your stomach hurt you anymore."

"nooooooo, I told I'm not feeling anything" he whined.

"well that's a good thing" John said.

"noooooo, I can't feel my legs, my head is...... I want to sleep." He started to whine like a child and John huffed knowing it's just the medicine.

"You'll be okay, it's the medicine" John sighed replacing Louis in his bed like he was a baby.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THERE ARE SIDE EFFECTS" stirred Louis in his bed, but a shoot of headache hit him letting him to close his eyes, the medicine must be soporific.

Ilangel1 – Louis feel asleep quickly. John went to see how Niall was doing.

Noorie9 – "Niall how you feeling? "Oh I'm fine nothing more than headache, but John knows there more.

By that time Liam was waking up.

Ilangel1 – Liam still felt like crap. "Have you had painkillers" Paul asked.

Noorie9 – "Yes" Liam is already panicking, he's supposed to feel better in the hospital, after all they know what to do.

"Okay I'm calling a nurse" Paul left so quickly that Liam couldn't even call for him to return.

Ilangel1 – The nurse came to check Liam who had gone to the toilet without realising.

Noorie9 – "Oh my god he took out his IV drip" the nurse said horridfidely, she went to his bathroom but she didn't find him there. Actually Liam didn't notice there's a bathroom in his room he got out of his room searching for a bathroom.

She took a microphone and shouted in it, Patient in 204 in missing, I repeat Liam Payne in the private room is missing, she said his name hoping he will realize and go back to his own room.

Ilangel1 – Paul sighed. There was suddenly mayhem in the children's and adolescents wards.

Noorie9 – "What the hell" breathed Paul as he started walking quickly following by the nurse.

Meanwhile Harry looked at Zayn who was obviously in pian, he reached his hand and gave it a squeeze for support putting a small smile on his face.

Ilangel1 – "Zayn squeezed it back as the two boys comforted each other.

Liam was so embarrassed he was sat by the side of the wall holding him up with both puking and diarrhoea mess around him.

Noorie9 – When the nures reached the place, other paramedics were trying to control everything, but being around him makes the things worse.

"Go leave the patient, he has a superior here" the nurse said shoving them all.

Ilangel1 – Just then a load of teenager girls came round the corner some of them dragging their ill selves out of bed.

Noorie9 – "Oh my god" breathed Paul realizing that the nurse said Liam Payne over the tannoy, by this time Liam was a crying mess, his fans are watching him at his worse and on the most embarrassing situation that he can ever experience.

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