Chapter 4

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Just to remind you norrie9 and me wrote this story joint. Thanks everyone for reading and your reviews of this story. Just to let you know some of this chapter is a bit goory.

Oh god" Harry breathed in awe.

"Wake him" Lou screamed and they started shaking him but it didn't work they noticed Liam now is whimpering in his sleep and seeking for oxygen.

Harry grabbed his phone to dial for an ambulance.

Niall had gone into find Zayn still asleep but having rolled in his vomit as he slept. Niall sighed knowing Zayn's caught what Liam has.

Niall rushed to Liam's room "Guys I've got some really bad news news. Liam passed whatever he has to Zayn" as he leaned against the door, not wanting to enter.

Harry threw the bloody sheets on Niall who threw them away at disgust. "Ewww"

The signs of blood made Niall feel nauseous.

"What do you mean passed on to Zayn" Louis said.

"He's sick like Liam" Niall snapped "Call Paul.

Then after that Paul came and rushed inside the room gasping loudly and then there was a noise coming from the room. Niall found its better not to sit here doing nothing so he went to clean and wake up Zayn, that boy didn't even wake up after he vomited, he must be exhausted.

Zayn groaned "Let me sleep"

"Zayn I'm sorry to wake you but you vomited on your bed and you're lying in it, you in any pain." Niall asked.

Paul comforted Liam while Harry called the Dr. Paul sat Liam on the toilet as he was so weak.

"Just breath Liam, try to piss"

"Get out of the bathroom." Liam cried out loud.

"Liam I'm sorry, calm down you do it, just piss. You'll be relieved afterwards.

"I-I-I ca-n-nt" He cried once more and Paul side turning his head so Liam can feel more comfortable.

Liam passed urine and had more diarrhoea

"Hurts" he cried.
Paul placed his hand on Liam's shoulder to comfort the lad still with his head turned round.

Zayn groaned at realising his stomach was hurting him badly and groaned. Niall helped him to sit up and without warning he puked everywhere.

Harry came into help Niall.

"How are you mate?" Harry asked.

"Not good, how's Liam" asked Zayn.

The boys exchanged nervous looks together; they decided to hide it because they don't want him to get worried over much.

"Well tell m..." Zayn said before puking again all over the bed.

"Finished" Liam said embarrassed and too weak to clean himself.

"Niall grab a bucket, clean everything, give Zayn some new clean clothes to wear and" Harry ordered like a boss

"What are you going to do" Niall interrupted sighing because he gave him all the work.

"Just do it" Harry ordered hoping his stomach could keep in check. Harry helped Zayn on the chair in the room. Zayn held his hand over his mouth waiting for the bucket.

"Are you scared of vomit" Niall asked as he grabbed the rubbish bin for now as that is all he could find.

"Do you still feel sick" Niall asked.

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