Severe stomach chapter 12

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Written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thanks for your comments.

Chapter 12

Lou stayed with John and Zayn who were both finally asleep.

Niall woke up vomiting. Simon comforted.

Paddy fell asleep next to a sleeping Louis.

Josh had cuddled Harry to sleep and remained like laying cuddling the ill boy, this made sure that Harry didn't roll on to his stomach. Josh didn't know how much he was helping the ill boy.

"Come on I'll give you a medicine." Simon said. He forced to pills into his mouth.

"These are sleeping pills will make you feel better.

Niall just puked them back up again.

Harry snuggled into Josh as he slept.

Niall cried as he relised that he can't sleep or hold something down or even trying to stop the pain in his stomach

Josh didn't slept completely, he smiled at the younger boy and hugged him.

Simon sighed and rubbed Niall's stomach gently.

Josh eventually drifted off to sleep without realising still cuddled up to a sleeping Harry.

Lou sat on the chair and decided to rest while Zayn and John slept.

Paddy couldn't rest as he kept having to carefully change Louis pad as he slept.

Simon texted Lou asking her about Zayn and John as he didn't want to leave Niall.

"Zayn left the bed to call Paul and he's miserable and John isn't better than him.

"Well Niall here isn't keeping anything in his stomach and I don't know I think he'll be dehydrated soon, I'm afraid he'll faint.

Paddy sighed wishing if he could take care of another boy easier than Louis, he texted Lou asking to switch with her, Lou came taking Paddy's palce and Paddy went to Zayn and John since he has a chance to rest when both of them are sleeping.

However Paddy was wrong. Lou felt sorry for Louis and changed him care fully. Louis stirred slightly. Niall sipped some water. Simon hoped he could keep it down.

"Please Niall, try and hold it okay, please you're as pale as a ghost without water" Simon stroked his cheek and Niall nodded slightly.

Paddy collapsed on the ground trying to sleep, then John woke up pulling the bucket and vomiting into it, he was acting quick.

Louis opened his eyes sensing a new different touch, he looked and saw Lou had finished changing him, he let go of a shriek as he relized, their hair stylist just saw him in that condition and changed him and she's a female.

"GET OUT OF HERE" he cried pulling the covers over his body awe in his eys.

"Louis calm down everyone else is sleeping and don't worry you're not well you can't help it and Paddy needs a break." Lou soothed.

Louis managed to calm down "can you massage my belly" he asked.

"Of course honey, please tell me if you need changing and don't be embarrassed" Lou said as she rubbed his belly and sending him encouraging smiles, which it made him smile as well. Louis gagged as Lou massaged his belly as well as using the pads.

Paddy comforted his ill collegue hoping Zayn stayed asleep.

Harry shot his eyes open looking around the dark room, he turned to face to Josh.

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