Severe stomach bug - chapter 13

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Just a reminder this is written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thankyou for everyone who read, voted and commented on this story.  A special mention to libs993 for your comments I have included this in the story.  Please feel free to comment your thoughts on this.

Chapter 13

The next morning the boys were still asleep, Paddy got up as well as Simon. Lou made some breakfast while Paddy went to check on Josh. He entered the room to see both Josh and Harry cuddled up together in a cute way. "Josh, Josh." He whispered. "What" Josh replied sleepily. "Come on and eat breakfast with us, Harry is still asleep. He won't feel." Paddy replied quietly. Josh rubbed his eyes and got up.

"Simon can you check on Zayn and Louis and see if they need changing while I make breakfast" Lou said.

Josh stretched he was he exhausted.

John stirred feeling worse.

Lou put the breakfast and was about to leave but Paddy stopped her "Lou where are you going?" "I need to check on Louis, I can't leave him" Lou said. "Sit down, I bet you didn't sleep last night, beside Simon is changing them while we're eating" Paddy insisted. "What about John and Niall" she asked concerned "Simon is checking on them as well" Paddy said.

"Simon changed Louis before going to change Zayn who woke up when he was being changed. Simon applied cream to the area so Zayn wouldn't get sore down below.

Harry woke up feeling like shit all alone.

John felt dizzy and nauseous and couldn't reach for the bucket.

"S-Simon what's happening" Zayn asked confusingly. "It's ok Zayn I'm only changing you. Zayn closed his eyes from the headache, then Simon heard puking, he walked to the room to find John puking on the ground. Simon sighed and got the bucket. Niall woke up to John vomiting. "John...John are you alright?" Niall asked without lifting his head up because he was too tired. John couldn't answer as he was too busy puking. However Simon pulled John away from the ground and helped him puke into the bucket as he rubbed his back. Niall felt awful and Johns puking wasn't helping.

Zayn's stomach was also cramping. He was silently crying.

Paddy dug into his breakfast, while Lou decided to see what was taking Simon so long. Lou went upstairs but stopped when she heard crying, she put her ear to the door listening to Zayn, she immediately opened the door and ran over to the boy and comforted him. You can say Lou is the most caring she's like a big sister. Lou had gone over to massage Zayn's stomach. Zayn pointed to his head to. "Hey Hey Zayn everything is going to be fine" Lou smiled. "Want Li" he cried before saying "Haz, Ni and Lou, why put them away from me" he carried on crying. "Zayn you've to understand they are ill to and need rest in their own rooms. Zayn nodded sadly "tummy and head hurt" he mumbled. Lou changed Zayn again and put the cream on that she noticed Simon had left on side.

Back at the hospital Paul was comforting a very ill Liam. Liam was going for a test soon. Paul was exhausted.

Josh had left Harry who then rolled on to his stomach and puked in his sleep. Josh made Harry some tea and took it up to him. He sighed at seeing a sleeping Harry lying in his puke. Josh woke Harry up gently and cleaned him up and then offering Harry some tea. Harry smiled while they let the tea cool and Josh pulled Harry into a hug. Paddy was left on his own to eat. Josh and Harry both soon fell back to sleep again as they got into the positions they were in before. Josh was cuddling Harry which was helping Harry more than Josh new as he was preventing the poor boy from rolling on to his stomach.

Poor Louis woke up whimpering feeling like he needs his pads to be changed. Louis was crying for help but couldn't shout as he had no energy. He turned his face but somehow he managed to jump out of bed and run into the en-suite bathroom to vomit to. Louis really felt like something running between his thighs, he cried desperately.

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