Severe stomach bug - Chapter 9

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Reminder this has been written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you for everyone who has voted or commented on this book.

If anyone wants to write something joint with me this style inbox me.

Chapter 9

Noorie9 – Simon was furious. "What happened?, why are they all ill." He shouted. Harry winced at the noise and covered his eyes "stop them.

Ilangel1 "Simon calm down you are making Harry's head hurt, Liam came down with a nasty bug and they were taking care of him and then all managed to catch it" John explained.

Noorie9 – "They what Liam was very enough and then all of them, tell me are the all seriously ill" Simon asked angrily

"Yes sir" John answered.

Then Niall started to cry up after he woke from his sleep. Simon gave them sympathetic loos and took of his jacked and helping the poor boy to sit up in his bed. John couldn't believe Simon the stern is being all nice suddenly.

"I'm Uncle Simon now" he chuckled.

Ilangel1 – John smiled and took the chance to sit for a while. Niall snuggled in to Simon but suddenly pulled away and flung his hand to his mouth.

Louis was lying awake after Simon's shouting woke him up.

Noorie9 – Niall stood up and ran to the rubbish bin throwing up rather violently in it.

Louis woke up feeling, like he needs the toilet. "You can use it Louis, nothing to be embarrassed about" Louis cried and shook his head and griped his fists.

Ilangel1 – "Louis didn't get up in time and messed himself.

Niall finished puking and was now just dry heaving.

Noorie9 – "How's is everything with Louis" asked Simon, as he went to comfort Harry because he was crying from his awful headache. "He refused to use the pads and messed himself." Paddy said.

"Okay clean him up while I comfort Zayn and Harry, then I'll come to see what I can do with him." - Simon said.

"He's crying" Paddy said listening to Louis crying isn't amusing at all.

Ilangel1 – Paddy cleaned Louis and then took him to the toilet.

Simon managed to get Harry to get to sleep. Paddy saw John on the sofa.

Noorie9 – "Lucky you, you're having a rest now" Paddy huffed.

"Simon came and he's taking care of the boys, we can't take care of four teenagers, it's difficult.

"My problem is Louis, he doesn't use his pads, and I don't want to take him to the bathroom. Not for me, but for him. Poor him he can't stay in the toilet, he'll get sick from the smell and the heavy atmosphere."

"Though Simon is going to try to convince him use them" Paddy added.

ILangel1 – John nodded "Just needed to rest for 10 minutes I have been here longer than you Paddy." He sighed.

Louis was still sat on the toilet.

Zayn's stomach was cramping.

Noorie9 – Paddy went to comfort Zayn and gave him his water, Harry was put in a dark room to help relieve the pain in his head.

Simon was talking with Louis but he was crying like a baby and didn't listen to anything Simon said.

Ilangel1 – Simon tried to comfort Louis as best as he could. Zayn ended up puking the water.

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