Severe stomach bug - Chapter 16

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This is written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you to everyone for your comments on the last chapter glad you are enjoying it.  Before I start this chapter my heart goes out to those in Brussels and to any of those affected at this horrible time.

Chapter 16

Karen took Liam's phone and decided to ring Paddy. She stepped out the room to call Paddy. Paddy's phone went and he noticed it was Liam so informed Jay he was answering the phone. Jay nodded and stayed with her son as Paddy went outside the room and took the call. "Hi Mrs Payne, how's Liam" he said knowing Liam probably wasn't available for talking. "Not good, call me Karen, how is everyone else." Karen asked. "not good Louis is the worse of the boys, Josh and John are also ill too." Paddy informed her. Karen sighed "We have got Liam's test results back and it's not looking good." "What do the results show" Paddy said sighing. Karen explained what the Dr told her and then informed Paddy that they needed to prepare the boys to go to Saint Marie hospital in the private ward." "Are you kidding? Paparazzi and the media are there" said Paddy. "Look Liam has a serious infection and it looks like it is a contagious one. "Okay I will speak to Simon to see if we are best to go to the hospital that Zayn is at as the media don't know he is there. "Ok, understandable." Karen said. They then hung up and Paddy went to go and find Simon and explain to him to what he found out. Paddy walked to Harry and Josh's room and poked his head round the door and said hello to Anne and asked how the boys were before leaving to go find Simon. Paddy found Simon in the lounge with Paul. Paddy sighed at the sight of Paul. Simon can I talk to you" Paddy said. "Yea sure you can Paddy is everything ok" Simon asked. "Kinda I have just spoken to Karen and they have the results of Liam's test and it looks like it's a nasty infection in his stomach lining and we need to get everyone in for testing. Simon sighed and nodded "Do you want to get them admitted to the hospital Liam or Zayn is at." Simon had a thought for a second. In one way the media wouldn't be at the hospital Zayn is at but on the other hand the hospital Liam is at know what the infection is and is already dealing with it.

Simon then went round the house and informed everyone that they had to get the boys to hospital. "Listen carry the boys to the cars we're going to the hospital. Louis cried into his mum's side "m..mum" he asked confusingly. "I'm here baby, calm down" Jay said as she helped her son to stand and led him to the car. Paddy came to help Jay lead Louis to the car. Anne helped Harry up who leant heavily on her, she made sure not to press on his stomach. Anne informed Josh to stay lying down and someone will help him to car the shortly. Lou and Simon helped Niall out to the car. Niall smiled when he saw Harry in the car and Harry smiled in return. "I missed you "Niall said as they started hugging each other. Simon and Lou then went back in the house to help Josh and John to the car after getting Niall in the car. Paul got up and rushed to the bathroom. Louis was crying the whole way because he can't use his feet" "It's ok honey, one more step and you'll be in the car." Jay encouraged. "I can't" at this he let his body fall to the ground but Paddy just picked him up and entered the car with him. Niall and Harry gagged at the smell as soon as Louis had been placed in the car. "Shall I take my car as it will be better for everyone" Jay said. "Take me out of here" Louis cried feeling like he's been a burden. Jay helped her son out of the car and in to her one. "Come on sweetheart, hold into my hand" She kindly said. "Not again." He cried but Paddy picked him and placed him inside Jay's car. "Lou you're not a burden you can't help being ill" Jay soothed as Paddy ran into get some fresh pads.

Anne was a nurse and was comforting her son and Niall. Niall and Harry comforted each other "Where Zayn" Harry asked. "I'm afraid he had to go to hospital" Anne explained

Lou and Cheryl were helping John to the car, when Lou's stomach twinged and she hoped she had just pulled a muscle. "You ok" Cheryl asked Lou. "I'm fine, let's put John in the car with everyone else. As John got placed in the car he started to gag, Cheryl grabbed the bucked and John threw up into it. Simon was helping a Josh to the car who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He then helped a sleeping Josh into the car managing it without waking him up.

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