Severe stomach bug - chapter 19

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Really sorry it has been so long since this story has been updated.  Just a reminder that this was written by Noorie9 and myself.

Zayn and Tricia soon arrived at the hospital and were taken to the back of the hospital and wheeled straight to the private ward. Zayn insisted to see Liam in his room and he doesn't care if he's not good. Nurses have nothing to do so they made his wish come true. Liam looked up as his door opened he expected to see a nurse but saw a trolley being wheeled in and then behind he saw Tricia being wheeled in a wheelchair. "Z is that you" He said cheerfully. Zayn was about to reply when he vomited all over himself. The nurse then wheeled the trolley away "Liam, I want Li" he protested. Liam also called out for Zayn. "I want Zayn take me Z" Liam cried. "I'm so sorry sir, but we can't" one the nurse spoke. "If YOU DON'T I'm taking all my drips out and report you and the hospital" he cried screaming and threatening everyone. Karen tried to calm her son down even though she was ill to. Zayn was crying and making himself worse that he wanted Liam. "Honey it's okay just take a deep breathe" Karen assured her son. "Want Z" he whimpered. "You can see him tomorrow baby, it's late right now and can't see you. "Need him now" Liam sobbed as he puked into a bowl Karen had ready as he had worked himself up so much. Both Liam and Zayn were having a terrible time.

Lux woke up from her sleep all alone. She started crying non-stop "mummy, I want mummy" Lux sobbed and a nurse with a mask on carried her rocking her back and forth. Lux calmed down a bit felt sticky. "pooo" she cried. "Okay baby let's get you cleaned up." The nurse said. "Want mummy, to clean" Lux shook her head. "Sweetie mummy's sleeping can I do it" the nurse said lying to Lux that her mummy was ill and by far worse than her. Lux nodded reluctantly "want mummy daddy" she cried. "We'll call daddy though sweetie" the nurse said as she changed Lux and gave her some pills with smiling faces. Luke came to Lux and comforted his daughter. "Sir wear a mask, because we're afraid you'll get it" a nurse explained, Luke put on eon but it terrified Lux.

Nurses pushed sleeping medicine into Niall's drip.

Josh and John had finished vomiting and were exhausted by now. They tried to sleep but neither of them could. Paddy and Paul still had it coming out both end. Paul and Paddy were embarrassed about wearing adult nappies. "It's okay sir, you can't help it at all" one of the male nurse said.

Cheryl woke up from her supposed nap but long sleep feeling worse. Cheryl was asleep after they injected her with some medicine. Karen and Jay were barely fine. Karen was puking. Jay had it coming out both ends as she caught it badly from Louis.

Louis woke up with a start. Nurses gave him some painkillers through his drip trying to control it.

Zayn was rushed into the emergency room in the private ward. Tricia panicked when Zayn was rushed to the emergency room but was very ill herself. Zayn was very dehydrated.

Simon was talking to the doctors about Liam. Simon and the nurse were discussing how Liam contracted it in the first place. They've run tests on Liam though he was crying murming leave me alone or I want the boys and his mum wasn't here sothat isn't helping. So one of the nurses was brushing his hair and stroking his cheek. "What did the scans show" Simon asked. I'll get you a Dr to come to speak to you the nurse explained. Simon nodded and sat down. A Dr shortly came to explain the findings on the scan. "It's a virus infected his stomach causing a severe gastroenteritis which it's difficult or nearly impossible to cure" The doctor explained. Simon huffed. "I'm sorry sir and as you can see it a serious contagious gastroenteritis." The doctor explained. Simon nodded sadly. "How long do you think it's going to take to cure" Simon said worried. "I don't know sir but we may have to use painful treatment with injections casue they've vomiting whatever we give them by mouth." Dr Watson said. "What about baby Lux, she can't handle painful needles with that thick medicine" Simon explained. "I'm sorry sir, we will try and give her something orally. Simon nodded before rushing of. The Dr wondered why Simon rushed of like that and a thought occurred to him.

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