Chapter 7

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Here is the next part. remember it is written by Noorie9 and myself.

Harry wasn't doing well at all, he felt like he was going to pass out from all the puke, while Louis was having the hardest time ever trying to ease the pain by whimpering and moaning.

Niall was trying to calm Harry down he sat him on the floor with the bucket on his lap.

John couldn't get through to Paul so comforted Louis as best as he could till the medicine kicked in.

"I feel funny" He said dizzily.

"Okay Louis do you need something else" John asked.

Louis shook his head then John left him heading his way to Niall and Harry, John gave him some stomach relaxers and carried Harry to bed.

Louis found the medicine didn't kick in as his stomach was cramping and churning but nothing was coming up.

Hary managed to keep the medicine down for now and was carried back to bed.

Just then Paul rang.

Liam was having a bad time with this stomach but with this stomach bug it was still come out both ends he was very dehydrated.

This is the worst thing ever, I need to vomit" Louis whined.

Harry gave his boyfriend a dirty look "You probably will wish not to throw up again in your life if you were in my position. Louis was too ill to think about Harry's condition, he was just thinking about himself. Niall was wetting a towel to put it on Harry's forehead. Zayn was sleeping soundly and John was having a conversation with Paul.

"Hurts so much my stomach bubbling and cramping." Louis whined.

John was shocked the media were there.

"Can they even give them peace and quite when they are ill" John sighed.

Liam felt like his eyes are forcing him to shut his body down and he felt so thirsty.

"I n..need water" he admitted and the nurse was happy that he accept taking something.

Liam laid back down feeling less dehydrated, Paul entered the room greeting Liam.

"Paul I thought you left me here." Liam greeted him.

"I don't think I can" Paul smiled.

With Niall massaging Louis belly, he flet like something pressing against his stomach though Niall's hand was so soft it just he's so full and can't vomit.

Louis squirmed uncomfortably.

"Do you want me to carry on" Niall asked.

John helped Harry back to bed.

"How are the others." Liam asked concerned.

"Stop this act Liam" Paul sighed "you're the worst one of them, Zayn and Harry are puking and Louis can't vomit at all" Paul explained.

"I made them ill" Liam cried.

"It's not your fault you can't help being il we just need to get you all better" Paul sighed.

Liam only nodded rather uncomfortably.

Harry was crying because now his stomach is hurting him so bad and he can't even throw up to calm it down as there wasn't anything left to throw up.

Both Louis and Harry were crying in pain.

Harry didn't want to throw up he hated it, but he knew his condition made it even worse. Niall decided to take Louis to the bathroom to see if that helped.

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