Severe stomach bug - Chapter 14

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This is written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you everyone for your votes and comments.

Chapter 14

In hospital the nurses prepared Liam though he was still crying helplessly, "Sir you need to be calm in the MRI scan. The noises may confuse you. And if you feel like you're not okay squeeze the button near you okay but he only shook his head sobbing." Meanwhile Cheryl arrived at the hospital but didn't get out the car till she called Paul. Karen answered the phone as not to wake a sleeping Paul. "Hi Paul It's Cheryl I'm outside the hospital." Cheryl said. "Hi Cheryl it's Karen Paul is asleep at the moment but I will meet you up front of hosiptial." Karren said. Cheryl thanked Karen before getting out the car and started getting mobbed by fans which were patients and relatives. Karen pushed her way through the crowds and reached for Cheryl shoving everyone out of the way. "You ok" she asked. "Yeah thanks" Cheryl asked as Karen led her towards Liam's room and told her to tell Paul to go back to the boys when he wakes as she is going to find out how Liam's scan is going. "Let's wait in here away from all the fans it's a lot safer" Karen said. Cheryl thanked Karen. The noises and all the buzzing sounds didn't make Liam comfortable. He was whimpering inside that tube just wanting to get out of there. Liam started to feel nauseous so pressed the button. The doctor got him out of the scan "Whats wrong?" the doctor said. "Feel nauseous from the sounds." Liam said. "Okay take a break then we can put you back in their and we can put a pair of headphones on to block the noise out." The doctor explained. Soon Liam felt comfortable enough to go back in to the scan. The scan soon finished and they got the sobbing boy out. "I don't think the results will be good from the scan since you moved so much in there. The doctor informed him. While the nurse replaced him on bed fixing his IV drip and pushing the bed back to his room where his mum, Cheryl and Paul were waiting. Paul groaned at hearing voices as Liam was wheeled back into the room.

Josh woke up to find a Harry asleep. "That's good" Josh whispered as he carried on cuddling the ill boy. Josh felt a weird sensation but ignored it. It felt like a headache but ignored it and then he started coughing waking Harry up in the process. Harry rubbed Josh back till he stopped coughing. Josh smiled at Harry and took some painkillers and also asked if Harry wanted some. Harry nodded hoping he could keep them down.

Paddy changed Louis pad as he slept and applied cream to his red raw bottom.

Lou brought Zayn back some water and sipped on it and puked it up again, Lou comforted him. Zayn soon passed out from dehydration. Lou screamed for Simon "He needs a nurse or something. Can't you bring someone to put an IV drip in him. He didn't drink water in a day and is severely dehydrated any water he is drinking is coming out from one end or the other end." Lou cried being the soft one. Simon gasped "Lou he needs to go to hospital" Simon said as he put pillows under Zayn legs. The screaming woke everyone up. John woke up puking. Josh and Harry groaned as it hurt both of their head and they were both almost asleep again cuddled up. Louis woke up crying. Lou called for an ambulance. Louis tried to change himself but failed however Paddy came quickly and changed Louis as quickly as possible. As quick as Paddy changed Louis pad did he use it and needed it changed again. The house was a mess and nothing was under control. No one knew about Josh's headache fast became a migraine and Harry wasn't doing any better. Niall woke up to a crying vomiting mess. Simon just scrambled his hair as nothing was under control. Niall is crying and vomiting into a bucket. Simon went to help Niall, while the paramedics tended to Zayn. No one was able to go to hospital with Zayn as they all needed to tend for the other ill boys. Simon told Lou to check on Harry and Josh, however Lou said she would stay with Niall. Simon nodded and went to check the pair.

Meanwhile Paddy had to get up and go to the bathroom to do his own personal activity. John ran to the bathroom to do his business as well. Paddy used the other bathroom to John sighing as John rushed past him as he was about to enter. Luckily there was another bathroom.

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