Chapter 5

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Reminder this is written by Noorie9 and myself. Thank you everyone who is reading this story and for your comments and votes.

Chapter 5

Harry ate the soup but didn't eat it fast.

Niall got the bucket there just in time as Zayn started to violently puke.

Niall rubbed the poor boys back and could feel him burning up.

Niall got off to bring a wet towel, when he came back he found Liam waking up too, he was groaning and mouthing the word "toilet"

"Oh god all the stress has to be on me" Niall complained as he tried to grab Liam's arm, but then Liam faced him saying he don't want anyone to take him there because he's so embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed Li you can't walk there" Zayn managed to say before puking.

Liam had to agree as he was so weak.

"Help in here" Niall called. Louis left Harry to help Niall.

Harry put his soup down as he could stop pretending now Louis had gone.

Harry laid down on the pillow seeing the room blurry and in double.

"Come on Li, let's help you" Louis comforted softly taking his right arm, and Niall took his left one "are we there yet?" Liam whined.

"Hold out we're here" Louis replied as he opened the door.

As they pulled his trousers down they could see it trickling down.

Harry just shut his eyes and fell asleep.

Zayn was still puking with no one there.

Alright Li, we're are leaving you there" Louis said as he saw how embarrassed Liam was.

Both Niall and Louis got out of the bathroom , they heard someone puking so they rushed into the bedroom.

They rubbed Zayn's back as he violently puked.

Liam now wished he hadn't pushed the boys away he needed comfort. He was also vomiting over himself and the floor, it was now coming out both ends.

Meanwhile Harry couldn't sleep so staggered the other bathroom than to the one that Liam was in. He wanted to go to his en-suite but felt very lightheaded, he pushed it aside thinking it was due to his condition.

"Let it go, mate, everything is going to be alright" Niall put his arm around Zayn's back

"Louis go and see how Liam doing, hurry" Niall ordered.

Louis went to the bathroom and knocked on the door and could hear vomit.

"Liam I'm coming in its Louis" Louis called through.

He got no answer so opened the door and was shocked when he entered the room "bloody hell" he mouthed as he rushed to Liam's side.

Louis comforted Liam as best as he could as he grabbed the rubbish bin and rubbed Liam's back.

Zayn finished throwing up. Niall wiped Zayn's mouth and gave him some water to swish round. Zayn then laid down and Niall informed him that he would wash the other bucket out.

Niall went to the other bathroom than the one that Liam was using and was shocked to find Harry in there.

"H-Harry what's the matter? Niall asked concerned, because he found him on the ground half conscious, looks terribly pale, Niall knelt down next to him hitting his cheek gently trying to let him back to the world.

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