Severe stomach bug - chapter 15

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written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you everyone for voting and for your comments on the last chapter.

Chapter 15

Preston soon arrived at the hospital Zayn was in. He put his hood up before going in as he didn't want to be recognised as Zayn's bodyguard. That was the last thing they needed. Zayn woke up hearing peeps near his bed and feeling an IV drip in his elbow, he realised he was in hospital. Preston entered the room and greeted Zayn. "Hey Preston, can I see Li?" Zayn said smiling. "Uhhh..........Zayn you're not in the same hospital as him" Preston broke the information to him. Zayn's face turned inot horror and then anger. "Why is that" he screamed and Preston tried to hug him but Zayn resisted and pushed him away before breaking down. "Why do you have to hurt me? Why is that, Need Li" Zayn broke down saying. "Zayn we haven't done this to hurt we have done the opposite I know you want Liam but we have saved you from being swamped by fans and the media as they are over the place at the hospital Liam is at" Preston explained. Zayn worked himself into a state making himself worse as he wanted a cuddle from his boyfriend. "Preston I want Li" insisted Zayn. "Ok you need to get better then you can see him" Preston replied. "At least let me talk with him on the phone" Zayn whined. "He's asleep now, talk with him later." Preston replied. Zayn nodded sadly.

Simon went into Harry and Josh's room after enquiring about a private hospital for all the ill people. "Harry how are you doing, and how's Josh." Simon asked. "Need Lou" Harry cried, while Josh was trying to sleep to rid the nauseous feeling. "Harry you both need to rest I don't want you making each other worse" Simon explained.

Cheryl was driving back to the boy apartment and Paul had fallen asleep in the passenger's seat. They soon arrived back at the apartment and Cheryl sighed and then gently shook Paul awake. She noticed how pale he was but he told her it was from his exhaustion of looking after Liam. Cheryl entered the house and walked in to see how Harry and Josh were doing but the sight wasn't pleasant, she knew she had to take care of them. Simon was in there soothing both Harry and Josh. Paul also went in and asked Simon how everyone was, and if he could do anything. Simon took one look at Paul and shook his head go to bed you must be exhausted. Paul nodded and went straight to bed. "Is Josh ok" Cheryl asked. "I'm afraid not he is complaining of a migraine" Simon explained as he carried on comforting Harry. Cheryl nodded and went and comforted Josh and tried to help him to dose of. Cheryl managed to get Josh to sleep and then checked on Paul. Cheryl watched Paul sleep not in a creepy way and put the blanket over him and checked his forehead.

Lou was comforting Niall as best as she could. She decided to ring all the parents and explained to them the situation and to if they could come. Tricia was already on her way to hospital to be with Zayn after Simon had called her. Niall's mother was going book a plane ticket straight away but Lou informed her that Simon said he would send a private jet over to Ireland to bring her to England. Maura was thankful for this. Everyone else's parents were on their way as well.

Zayn was being examined in hospital. The Dr lightly pressed Zayn's stomach but caused him to puke. "Okay that's pretty bad. He needs to be watched. He isn't keeping anything down right?" The doctor asked. Preston nodded as the Dr put an IV in Zayn's arm.

Louis was crying for Harry moaning "Want Haz" He managed to mumble. "Ok do you want me call him for you" Paddy said. Louis nodded and went to see if Harry was able to come in. Meanwhile while Paddy was out of the room, Louis used the pad. Paddy walked into the room Harry was in and saw him resting in his bed muttering Louis name, when he saw Paddy his face lit up "Did he tell you to come" Harry said. Paddy nodded "You can be in the same room as him but not in the bed together, as Louis still has very severe diarrhoea and if the smell makes you vomit you will come straight out again" Paddy said sternly but quietly so as not to disturb Josh. Harry nodded happily that he could see his Loubear. Harry got on his feet with Paddy's help as he was weak because of being ill. Paddy then helped Harry to walk to Louis room and sat him on the sofabed in their shared room. Louis saw Harry and his eyes got tearful again "Harry" he whimpered and pulled his hand to reach Harry's hand but Paddy just laid him down on the sofa. "Not now Lou" Paddy informed him. "Need Haz" Louis cried his hand still launched in the air. "He's in the same room. What do you want other this." Paddy asked and Louis whimpered as Paddy knelt down rolling Louis over to change his pad as he cleaned him and applied cream to his sore bottom. Harry held his nose at the smell. "Cuddles." Louis whimpered. Louis I'm afraid you can't have any cuddles. You have to sit in the same position so you won't move your pad." Paddy explained for the crying boy. "Harry." Paddy sighed "Harry you can't stand the smell, you'll puke" Harry was brave that he got up from the sofa fighting the smell but his boyfriend needed him more than any time. Lou had also looked after him the several times he was ill or his condition played up. Paddy had changed the pad but had to do it instantly again and the smell got too much for Harry this time. Harry turned his head and rushed the rubbish bin and vomited in it, Louis slapped a hand on his mouth swallowing a sob. "Haz go you'll get sick." Louis told his boyfriend. "You can't handle me" he sobbed. Harry cries at this, he so wants to help, comfort Lou like he does to him, but can't but he can't help it. Simon rushed over to Harry and comforted the sick boy as he continued to puke. Paddy finished changing Louis pad and sat down exhausted. Once Harry finished puking, Simon led him back to the other room he was sharing with Josh. Harry looked sad to be leaving Lou and needed to hug him but couldn't.

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