Severe stomach bug - part 17

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This is written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you to everyone who is reading this and for all the votes and comments.

Chapter 17

"Guys we have to get back in the cars and reached the hospital" Informed Simon. Everyone sighed and lazily entered the cars the ill ones being helped to the car. Paddy got out of the van and headed over to Jay's car. Niall didn't want to get in the car as he was still feeling very nauseous. "Okay everyone in the car, we'll wait for Niall" Simon said. Cheryl got into Jay's car as she was driving instead of Paddy who was leaning against the cushion. Mum, let them wait before they move, I want to calm down" Lou chocked as Jay changed him. Niall soon got into the van. Simon was comforting both Paul and Paddy. They were soon ready to head off to the hospital. Cheryl was driving as careful as she could for Louis, who was now fighting severe diarrhoea and high fever. "It's ok baby" Jay said. The bumps weren't helping them. It was making their stomachs go up and churn. "How you holding up Paddy" Simon said as he was changing Paul's pad. "We won't reach the hospital if you keep doing this" Jay said. "I have an idea but it's crazy" Cheryl suggested. "Why don't we drive supper fast until we reach the hospital? They can vomit as much as they want then we'll reach the hospital." Cheryl suggested. Louis shook his head "hurts" he moaned. "I don't know Cheryl I think stick with slow speed" Simon protested seeing the look on the three ill people in the car. In the other car it was going no better even though they were going ultra-slow. Lou's stomach churned as she slept.

Meanwhile Zayn was having his scan. "Mum don't let them take me" Zayn cried. "Zayn it's a simple test." Tricia soothed. "I still don't want it" Zayn cried. Zayn cried as he was taken for the test. Zayn was crying in the scan. Tricia was in the same room watching her child cry in the scan. "Can't you give him a break?" Tricia held her sons hand as the doctor pushed the bed into the scan which caused him groan. Tricia was wearing one them jacket things that she made her be able to stand there while Zayn was having his scan. "Zayn I'm afraid we need to do this" the nurse soothed. "Sticky" Zayn cried. "I think that means he has gone" Tricia said. The nurse nodded and they got him out the scanner and Tricia changed her son quickly before he was back in the scanner. The scan soon finished and they moved him to his room to sleep. Back in the room Zayn was snuggled into mum's arms and fell asleep in his mum's arms. Awhile later a nurse came "Since your son can't keep any medicine down orally, we will give him medicines via his drip. Tricia nodded and stroked her boys head as he slept. "Let him wake up first" She said. "We need to give it to him now, and it won't disturb him as it will go in his drip in his hand that he has. Tricia nodded. The nurse pushed the medicine into Zayn's drip that he whimpered. The nurse finished administering the medicine and left Zayn to sleep.

The medicine made Liam's diarrhoea worse to try and clear his stomach out. "Mum the boys will be fine right?" Liam asked. "Yeah they will bring the boys to hospital. I heard that Paul is ill to" Karen said. "All my fault" He muttered. Karen soothed Liam and told him it wasn't his fault these things happen. "Mum I think I need to change." Liam said sheepishly to his mum. Karen changed Liam and comforted him, but he couldn't sleep as he was in so much pain and kept needing his nappy to be changed. The meds were making him worse. "Mum, I need the boys, I need them" he cried. "Shhh, it'll be fine. Don't be worried." Karen kissed his forehead. Liam shook his head. Liam vomited and had diarrhoea, all the medication they gave him and they decided to give him needles, it was coming out from the other end to. Liam cried as they did the needles. Karen comforted her son. The nurse was wearing a mask because his condition was very contagious. Liam was starting to feel sleepy so he decided to leave it, Karen was comforting him and held his head the whole time. Liam drifted to sleep as soon as the needles were done.

Just as Tricia was drifting off to sleep the Dr came back in with Zayn's results. "I'm sorry to wake you Mrs Malik but I have Zayn's results here. Tricia sighed and decided to wake Zayn up. "Z, baby it's time to wake up, the Dr is here with your results." Tricia said as she gently shook her son. Zayn groaned as he woke up feeling dreadful. Once Zayn was awake the Dr explained to Tricia and Zayn his results. "Zayn, I'm afraid you got the infection but Mr Payne doesn't vomit as much as you and you don't have a bad case of diarrhoea." The Dr explained. "When are the boys going to reach the hospital." Zayn asked weakly. "I don't know." Tricia said. Tricia didn't have the heart to tell Zayn that they had all decided to go to St Marie's hospital in the end. Zayn nodded sadly. "What do we do about the infection" Tricia asked. We will put him on some medication.

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