Chapter 3

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reminder written jointly with norrie9

"So tell me Liam , you can't keep any fluids down right? "The doctor asked. " yes" Liam said weakly

"okay I'll put an IV drip , because we don't want you to lose nutrition " the doctor explained as he prepared a needle , Liam whimpered . He knows IV drip hurts.

He gripped tighter on Zayn's hand. It was quite difficult to get the cannula in as his veins had hidden. Liam whimpered.

The Dr also checked Liam's observations like his heart rate temperature amongst other things "

Okay Liam was it painful?" The doctor smiled ,

but Liam kept the frown " you have high fever .I'm going to give you some fever reducer and let's see if they can stay in your stomach "

The boys couldn't look at their friend in pain . Especially Zayn couldn't see his boyfriend in pain.

The Dr decided to give Liam the fever reducer through his little drip. ''I also herd you are having diarrhea so I need a stool sample when you next go, so If you go in this bedpan and then scoop it into this pot' the Dr said.

Liam took it hesitantly. It seems quite embarrassing

"don't worry Liam , you're not the only one . Everyone had this test before . Do you feel you want someone to help you?"

Liam got reddened "

I just need someone to take me there. I-I'll do the rest""

Harry went to help to give Zayn a break. Paul asked the Dr if it was likely to be contagious.

come on Liam " Harry took him from the arm and leaded him out of the door ." where's Zayn?" Liam asked horrifiedly "

Liam , Zayn needs to have a break , do you want someone else to take you there" Harry explained gently , but Liam was emotional for some reasons .

Zayn sighed and helped his boyfriend to the bathroom where he did the sample. Zayn then helped Liam back to the bedroom where Harry was feeling deflated and Louis was comforting him, since he was the youngest.

The Dr then went into the bathroom to get the sample. "I will send this to lab and the results will be back in the next day or so. I will be back in a couple of hours to check on you Liam and everyone else careful we don't know if it's contagious or not" the Dr said.

Everyone nodded their heads and Harry wanted to make himself as close as possible " do you want me to bring you something?" Harry asked sweetly "

no" Liam frowned as well as Harry

"Zayn m-my stomach hurts me so bad" Liam asked for Zayn but he wasn't there , " Liam Zayn went to the bathroom"

Louis said got a bit annoyed by Liam's attitude, he only wants Zayn like the others aren't good enough.

Louis went over to him 'do you want me to rub your tummy'

'Haz I'm hungry' Niall moaned.

Liam sensed they were a bit angry and upset because he prefers Zayn ath the moment so he nodded his head slowly since he doesn't want them to feel more upset by him. He pulled the covers letting Louis to raise his shirt and to rub his stomach.

Louis pushed a bit too hard though, which made Liam groan.

Harry went and made the remaining four some food.

"oh I'm sooo sorry" Lou apologised and then Zayn entered the room, seeing Liam dry heaving and ready to vomit. He realised what happened and sent the poor Louis who was rubbing his hand nervously.

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