Severe stomach bug - Chapter 18

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Reminder this is written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you to everyone who reading a reviewing this.  Thank to missalexhoran  for reviewing the last chapter.

If you could all go and read One direction sickfics (appendicitis) on LOVETOWRITE45 as this is a fanfic written by both of us in private message.

Please message me if you want to do a joined fanfic over private message where I write a bit and then you reply to what I write, then I reply to that and so on and we make a joint fanfic.  It can beloosely  connected to this story or something entirely different. PM me if this interests you.  To get idea of writing style read chapters 9 and 10

Chapter 18

Simon had his scan and it looked like he had managed to get it. He sighed knowing that it was inevitable to happen. He wasn't feeling too bad for now but went to rest.

Lux was being very clingy with her dad Luke and he tried to contact Lou. He was worried she had picked the bug up. Luke decided to take Lux to hospital as she was ill and Luke was worried about her. She had been very clingy and refused her lunch, so Luke to Lux to A&E. Luke phoned Lou to say he was in A&E with Lux. "Honey I'm here with lux. She is crying her heart out for you, besides she got the infection" Luke said in a sad tone and Lou managed to choke a sob. "That is a shame, but I'm also ill but am pregnant they are giving me a different treatment" "Oh my god I'm so happy but hope you get better soon." Luke said just as Dr, came in. "I have to go but will see you soon babe" Luke said. "Hope Lux is ok and I will get her admitted up here" Lou said.

Zayn was a mess as he couldn't' stop vomiting and having diarrhoea. That's not a good sign, I'm afraid that we need to give him a strong medicine but we're afraid it will affect his body like it did with Liam. Zayn nodded sadly and his mum squeezed his hands. Tricia was starting to fill ill and informed the Dr. Zayn looked sad. She was sent for a scan. Zayn was left all alone feeling very ill as Preston had also been sent for a scan. Zayn couldn't stop puking or having diarrhoea. He just wanted his mum or Li. He didn't care he had caught it bad he just needed hugs from his boyfriend.

Niall wasn't having a good time. Maura was with him comforting him as best as she could. Niall was very tired to lift his head or move his fingers, he looks like he's on his death bed (not literally). Maura comforted him and tried to soothe him to sleep.

John was forced to take pills to prevent vomiting and he wants to vomit but he can't. However for John the pills made it come out of the other end. He was being difficult for the doctors and was kicking them so they couldn't' give him any medicines through his drip.

Paddy also had it bad from looking after Louis. Paul was in a bad way and was having it come out of both ends. They were starting the treatment with both Paddy and Paul.

Management was frustrated with what had happened but Simon informed them that they need to send a message out to everyone. They decided to do it on twitter as all their followers were on there. The message they wrote, "Some of you may have heard that Liam is in hospital ill, anyone that came to the signing a few days ago, must go to their Dr's and get checked out as we have found out that it is very contagious" This was retweeted lots and messages #OneDirectionOurHeartWithYou. Or #getwellsoonOneDirection were the tweets that were on twitter. Even though management hadn't directly said the others were ill most fans read between the lines and realised that at least one other one direction boy had caught it. Some fans sent flowers and sweet cards wishing them to get better.

One fan who was already feeling under the weather and had vomited a few times, was at the signing. But she didn't care that she got ill as she got to meet her idols.

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