Severe stomach bug - part 10

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This is written by Noorie9 and myself.   Do you prefer it like this me stating who wrote each section or like i did at the begining of this fanfic let me know what reads easier.

Ilangel1 – "Niall fainted before but woke up dizzy, and is now finally asleep. Zayn puked up the soup and more before, Louis is not doing good and has severe diarrhoea and John looks exhausted and pale how's Liam doing" Simon text back.

As soon as Simon finished finished texting he decided to quickly check on John as he noticed John was no longer in Niall's room but felt guilty about leaving the boys but knew it had to be done.

Noorie9 – He walked to the bathroom and knocked the door "How are you doing John?" asked Simon.

"I'm fine" yelled John, Simon opened the door, he just couldn't believe him.

Naill whimpered in his sleep turning in his bed from right to left, Zayn, couldn't sleep, he forced himself out of the bed and went to Niall. He stroked his cheek down to his chin, managing to calm him down, Zayn smiled when he saw Niall@s face smiling at the soft touch.

Ilangel1 – John went bright red "get out" John said.

Niall fell back to sleep. Zayn suddenly felt queasy but couldn't react fast enough as he gagged waking Niall up.

Paddy gently rolled Louis over as he changed the pad and was glad Louis stayed asleep.

Noorie9 – "You don't know how much painful for me to see you like this" whispered Paddy felt how ashamed and being humiliated he would be if he was in Louis place.

The only thing Zayn could do is to clench his fists, but he felt like he's losing conscious, Niall realised it and started shaking Zayn though he was tired "Zayn...Zayn.....Zayn, Hold out, don't close your eyes." Niall screamed catching Simon's attention

Ilangel1 – Simon sighed and rushed to the boys room just as Zayn puked all over himself before fainting.

John groaned as he was still in the bathroom.

Paddy finished changing Louis pads before going to see what's wrong.

Harry woke up whimpering from the screams.

Noorie9 – Josh pressed his hands strongly against each of Harry's ears, trying not to let him hear, Josh looked inot Harry's scared trembled eyes "there you go.. calm's's just me and you...good, harry just calm down" Josh cooed.

Ilangel1 – "hurt's, sick." Harry mumbled.

Josh got the bucket and held it for Harry.

Simon rushed in and sighed seeing Zayn. Paddy came in and ran and got an ice pack quickly.

Niall felt sick after Zayn puked.

Noorie9 – "Niall what happened?" Simon said trying to sound as gently as he could.

"I was in pain half awake, and Zayn came to comfort me and I dosed of, then I heard gagging and don't know what happened." Niall cried.

Simon held the rubbish bin under Nialls chin as he noticed he face going green and rubbed his back.

Paddy came back with the ice packs, "WE have to put them in separated rooms. If anyone watched the other puking he will puke too." Paddy said.

"But it will be difficult to watch for them all at the same time, they won't be under control literarly." Simon replied.

"We're four, I'll take care of Louis, you take care of Niall, Josh is with Harry, and John...can watch Zayn.

Simon raised an eyebrown "John actually needs someone to watch him.

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