Severe stomach bug part 11

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Another quick update.  This is written by Noorie9 and myself.  Thank you everyone for your votes and comments.  Please let me know how you prefer it written like this chapter or with mine and norrie9 before what we write.

Josh sighed and brushed a lock of hair away from his eye as he looked at the small boy.

Simon went to check Louis, he entered with pads in his hand in case he needs it and luckily Paddy accepted them happily rolling the boy again.

"Can you ask Lou for clean clothes and bed sheets." Paddy asked.

Simon nodded and went and got fresh pads for them.

Louis let go of a groan.

"Oh sorry Louis, I'm here" Paddy said as he rolled him to the other side putting thicker pads underneath him.

Louis threw up as he was rolled over on to the bed bed sheets.

Liam woke up at hospital feeling sticky down below.

"OH god Louis hang on there" Paddy said brining the rubbish bin by Lou's chin for him to vomit into it, and holding him up, after he finished Paddy rolled him down back again on to the thick pads smiling at him.

Liam moved his hand to the sticky spot and touched it with the end of his finger, he smelled his finger then he realized what it was. He shrieked loudly in awe, can't believe what's going on, and he was confused to hell.

Paul woke up to Liam shrieking and comforted the ill boy and changed him putting a pad underneath him.

Louis used the fresh pads straight away.

It was midnight as nurses rushed into Liam's room, trying to calm him down or trying to stop him from shrieking out loud, they cleaned his hand and him in general, but he cried when the nurses reached near his private parts. Paul felt something is bothering him "you want a male nurse." "noooooooooooo..oo.oo." Liam cried back.

"Do you want me to do it, I know it's awkward but it isn't your fault you are ill" Paul said. Liam reluctantly nodded and let Paul clean him. "Zayn" Liam cried wanting his boyfriend.

Liam and Louis weren't the only ones experiencing it coming out both ends.

"Zayn is fine, he's with the boys. They are taking care of him. Paul lied while he was cleaning Liam and fitting some kind of special diaper which made him cry.

"want Z" Liam cried. Paul comforted him and tried to get the ill boy back to bed.

Harry had woken up complaing of stomach cramps.

Josh lifted his shirt up rubbing his stomach gently, he thought he needs to puke so he helped him to the bathroom, Harry knelt down the bathroom gagging but nothing is coming out.

"Do you want to sit on the toilet and see if it comes out that end." Josh suggested.

"No I'm fine, I just need to puke" Harry said sighed but at the end he puked violently into the toilet.

Zayn looked up at Lou who was taking care of John.

"Lou, could you please bring me some water." Zayn asked.

"Of course, it won't take so long." She said smiling.

Zayn nodded and Lou brought him some water which Zayn sipped on, Lou put a bucket in reach of Zayn incase and then went over to se John.

Paddy changed Louis pad again.

Niall woke up with a start.

Niall turned his head looking for Simon. "Simon...Simon" he cried. But decided it's better to help himself....He got out of the room running for the bathroom.

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