𝐢𝐢. ━ THE NEWS

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"Oh carly! Wake up!!" I heard evie's sickly sweet voice from outside the door of my room as i buried my face deeper into my pillow.

I groaned with my face still buried on my pillow and my body wrapped in my sheets.

"Go away.." I groaned as i closed my eyes tighter, trying to get sleep to come to me again.

"Come on carly!! We have BIG news!!!" I heard carlos's too loud voice on the other side of the door of my room.

I didn't respond and only buried my body deeper in the warm red sheets of my queen sized bed. I heard silence after that then i sighed in relief but it didn't last long when i heard the almighty downfall of my door.

"Ugh.. can't i just have a peaceful morning for once?" I muttered as i lifted my head up to look at my doorway to see three of my four evil friends who can't even give me my heavenly sleep.

"Oh but carly, if i can't have my beauty sleep, then you can't aswell." Evie said with a sweet smile as she glided over to my dresser and started fixing her long blue hair. I rolled my eyes then slid out of my bed as carlos and jay walked inside my room and began to mess with my things on my desk.

"So carly, how did mr.romeo deal with you last night?" Jay cooed then my eyebrow twitched as i remembered the horrible evening i suffered because of them. "Don't remind me anymore unless you want all your organs spread out on the floor." I threathened as i tie my long auburn hair into a messy bun. Evie just chuckled as jay and carlos looked at each other and laughed loudly.

My mood was more lowered because of last night. Evie, Jay and Carlos thought it was fun to set me up with the son of Gaston, Gray, who took me out to the gym. The frickin' gym. Just so he could "impress" me with his muscles. Too bad for him i'm not one of those girls.

"So, carly, want me to do your make up?" Evie asked as she held up a make up brush with a compact on her other hand. "No. Over my dead body." I said immediately as i picked up my black rimmed reading glasses.

"Alright, stop messing with my things and just cut to the frickin' chase. What happened? And you guys better give me a good explanation because that is the 14th time i am going to get my door fixed." I say as i looked at them with my sharp dark eyes and with my arms crossed.

All three of them looked at each other with nervousness clear in their eyes and body language. I lifted one eyebrow and looked at carlos with my eyes narrowed at him, if i wanted news to come out from anyone, carlos would definetely be the easiest target.

Carlos fidgeted under my gaze as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face and at that, i knew he was at his limit. "Alright!! Mal's mom said that the five of us will go to auradon and attend auradon prep with the other royals there and our parents already approved so we can't have any say in it but we didn't wanna tell you because we know you hate auradon so much and you don't like getting forced into anything!! Please don't kill me and spill my organs on the floor!!!"

He kneeled on the floor with his hands pressed together making evie roll her eyes while jay facepalmed.

"Well... Hell's broken loose." Jay muttered.


"What you said, jay." Evie sighed with her arms crossed.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now