𝐱𝐢𝐱. ━ LOVE

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( B E N )

Right now, i was headed to Carly's dorm to apologize for what happened earlier. When my father called me over to discuss about the coronation ceremony, i couldn't help but drift my thoughts back to the beautiful reddish haired girl waiting for me back at school.

All i felt was guilt as i sat there, not listening to any word the organizers were saying, since they have already said it to me hundreds of times.

Once the limo stopped in front of the school, the driver, Joseph, opened the door for me and which i stepped out. Before he could close the door though, i grabbed his shoulder and made him turn to me, not forcefully.

"Can you wait here for just a few minutes? I just need to pick up someone." Once i finished my sentence, he just nodded then went back inside the car again, parking it to the side so it doesn't block the driveway.

I then went inside the school, immediately getting greeted by the sight of the other students who i know such as Lonnie, Doug, Ally, Anxelin, Jane and Audrey.

When i came in, I saw Audrey's eyes light up like Christmas lights. She then proceeded to walk toward me, her body swaying on purpose. I felt extremely uncomfortable at the look she was giving me by the time she was in front of me.

"Hey bennyb-"

"Look, Audrey, i really don't have time for this. I need to see Scarlett, now." I urgently said, not giving the girl in front of me a chance to even finish a sentence.

My eyes caught Lonnie's, who looked away almost immediately once she caught my eye. I walked around Audrey then proceeded to stride over to Lonnie, who stood near the stairs with Doug and Ally.

"Have you seen Carly? Where is she?" I ask immediately once i was inside earshot. She refused to look at my eyes as she twidled her thumbs together. "Uh.. um.. Carly, told me not to tell you.."

I felt an ache of pain in my heart at the words she uttered, even though i mostly expected it already. I knew that after i left her there by herself, she wouldn't want to talk to me.. but still..

Hearing the actually words hurt me, more than it should have.

"Please, Lonnie.. I need to see her.. I need to speak with her.." I pleaded. For the first time in my life, i have pleaded to someone that is not my parents or someone from higher status than me. All for her. Everything i have, i would give, Just for her.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now