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"Bye guys, see you later." Evie said as she closed her locker then went to her next class hurriedly while me and mal stayed behind at our lockers which were beside each other.


Mal grabbed her spell book inside her locker while i reached for the black velvet ring boy inside my locker which contained my mother's ring. One of the enchanted rings she used to rule wonderland.

"So you know the drill right?" Mal said for the hundredth time making me groan out of exasperation. Seriously, what does she think of me? A dead goose she's gonna carry around?

"I'm not stupid, Mal. I know what the plan is." I responded which she just nodded to as she browsed for the spell she's gonna use later in her spell book. I opened the ring case then saw the ruby ring of my mother inside. I took it out of the case then began to examine it.

The karats of the ruby, the gold linings of the shank, and the captivating yet dangerous aura of the ring.

I snapped out of my reverie when mal suddenly shut her locker closed loudly as she nudged me in my arm. "I'll get a head start now. Follow me in fifteen minutes." She eyed Jane who passed us by the lockers earlier who again released a tiny squeak.

I swear, that girl has mouse blood in her.

"Yeah sure. Commence step one." I said mockingly which she just rolled her eyes to as she followed Jane.

I continued to play with the ring that was in between my fingers until it suddenly slipped through. My eyes widened when it dropped to the floor but then i sighed in relief when it only dropped in front of my foot.

I bent down then picked it up but then was startled to see Ben leaning on the locker next to mine with a smile on his pretty face.

Wait, what did i just say?



I slid the ring into my ring finger before closing my locker that had some red and black graffiti drawn on it saying 'Red Queen' and some musical notes, something me and mal did to adjust to things around here.

Except her's was purple and green.

"How's your first day going so far?" He asked as i also leaned on my locker as we looked at each other in the eyes. He has really brown eyes. The most brown i have ever seen.

"Hmm, not so bad."

"You know, you and mal should really both take this down," He started as he glanced at the graffiti in mal and I's lockers that were beside each other. "Bring it to the art club. I could sign you up." He finished with a charming grin as i then looked at the pole clock behind him.

3.. 2.. 1..

I smirked then looked at him as i pursed my lips. "Way to take out the fun out of it." I said then turned around and left him there, wide eyed, heading to follow mal and jane.

( T H I R D   P E R S O N )

Scarlett stopped in front of the door of the ladies washroom then opened it silently then she heard mal's voice.

"Oh, mother. I just can't understand why you can't make me.. beautiful too." Mal acts out dramatically as Jane stares at her hopefully after. "Do you really think it would work?" Jane asked as her entire face lights up with hope while Scarlett struggles to stop herself from guffawing at that moment.

"Yeah. I mean, that's what good cindy did right? And she bibty bobpty the living daylights out of her." Mal said jokingly as Jane laughed along with her.

This acting side of mal was very amusing to scarlett seeing as mal looks like she could pass for the actress of the year.

"And hey, if you mom decides to bring out the old wand, Invite me." Mal told Jane as she sat up the sink in front of the mirror.

"If i can convince mom, you're so there."

"Bye." Jane breath out excitedly as she picked up her purse from the sink beside mal then waved goodbye at her which mal returned with a dark smile in her lips.

Scarlett heard Jane's footsteps heading for the door which she quickly acted to, she stepped away from the door a few meter to make it look like she was just about to go inside.

Jane walked out of the washroom sporting her surprisingly good long hair and bright face.

When both the girls made eye contact at the door, Jane looked at the red head girl with bits of fear lurking in her eyes and heart. The young girl saw something in the daughter of the cruel red queen. Many emotions mixing all together.





For once in her life, Jane actually felt a twinge of pity for the broken looking girl, even though she tried to look unaffected by the harshness of the world she grew up in.

Scarlett looked away from the eyes of the girl then pushed her way through her, bumping Jane's shoulder on purpose as she went inside the washroom, there she saw mal standing there proudly as the daughter of maleficent smirked upon her arrival.

"I assume, you did it?" Scarlett said as she crossed her arms together in her chest while staring with dull eyes at the arrogant looking female in front of her.

"Of course i did, looks like our stay here in auradon will be shorter than we thought it would be."

"Not if i have anything to say about it."

The two girls tensed when they heard the overly girly pitched voice of a person they just recently met but they know all too well.

They both looked at each other and seeing as mal was facing the entrance, her eyes narrowed at the person behind scarlett who turned out to be hiding behind one of the stall mal thought were, of course, empty.

"Audrey." Mal mutters as she bores holes into the girl's confident face. Scarlett turned around and at that moment, all she wanted to do was break a certain someone's bones.

One. By. One.

"Now, where shall we begin?" Audrey fake grins as she stares at the two villain girls in front of her who looked as if they were ready to kill her.


short a/n: this chapter contained a word that's apparently a slur (r-word), which I noticed some new readers have commented about. And so I changed it. Mind you all, I wrote this when I was 12 (back in 2015), and have not edited it since then. Nonetheless, thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I'm sorry if some were triggered. It was not purposeful. That is all.

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