𝐱𝐱𝐢. ━ FAKING

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The day has finally come. Today's the day that Ben gets crowned as Auradon's New King. And as the Carly got dressed for the ceremony, thoughts and doubts ran inside her head whilst her friends transformed and made her into a princess.

Her fiery red hair was put into a beautiful braid and splayed out naturally onto her shoulders as her lean body's embraced by the beauty rose dress Evie made, the bodice surrounding her upper body not too tight, but fit her perfectly.

The intricate, white lace details gave off an elegant feel as she paired it with white pumps. Mal also got herself ready as she and Carly searched for a spell to prevent blisters that were inevitable going to be caused by the pumps they'll wear.

Their make ups were done to perfection and when Scarlett saw her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but let out a soft sound of awe and disbelief. The two girls with her stood beside her in front of the mirror, smiles on their faces at the little queen's reaction.

"That person.. is not even me.." Carly breathed out with a smile as her fingers glided over the fabric of her dress. Evie smiled widely as she giggled.

"Yeah it is! Look at you! You're gorgeous."

The red descendant was about to reply but then they heard the school clock's bell go off, which meant...

"The time is now." Mal breathed out, eyes on nowhere in particular, seeing as her mind was occupied with thoughts of her significant... whatever he is.

"We can't back out now."

"Cause we're rotten.."

"To the core."


The cheers of the people the carriage passed was enough to make Carly want to pass out with cold feet. She and ben were sitting on the moving carriage, waving and smiling at his soon to be subjects.

She smiled and waved, but deep inside, she was freaking out. She held a box in her hands on her lap, which contained a cupcake with the formula to break the love spell which was on ben.

As much as she adored the moments she had with him and how much it was going to hurt seeing him not feel those things for her anymore, she knew to herself that she had to do this.

Ben noticed that Carly was doing that thing with her fingers again, which made him smile and grip the girl's hand, intertwining their fingers together tightly.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now