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When i received the news about our parents sending us to that god forsaken place where we will be seen as total freaks and outcasts that don't shower or brush our teeth, all i wanted to do was rip someone's hair out and strangle them.

I let my long auburn hair down in simple yet elegant waves behind my back as i looked at my outfit in the mirror. I huffed in annoyance as i picked up my black duffel bag filled with my personal things and shit, then i slung it on my shoulder as i opened the door of my room.

I haven't even taken 2 steps down the stairs and yet, i already heard the noisy meeting in the dining room. I rolled my eyes at the voices of my mother and maleficent arguing about which one of me and mal will get the wand first.

I walked inside the room then everyone's eyes all fell on me. I walked over to the table and picked up a piece of bacon and began chewing on it as the awkward silence dragged on. I dropped my duffel on the floor beside my seat then sat down. I looked over at my mother and she only raised an eye brow at me. I narrowed my eyes at her as we had our usual staring contest, which resulted me with looking away from her fierce and cold gaze.

She smirked in victory as she continued her heated conversation with maleficent about their so-called "world domination" plan. I rolled my eyes as i locked eyes with mal who sat across from me. Out of the four of my friends, she was the one i was most close to since our positions are VERY similar.

"Oh, my evie isn't going to leave this place until we get rid of this uni-brow." Evie's mother, the evil queen, said as she picked up her brow plucker.. thingy. Evie touched the spot in between her eyebrows as she groaned. Mal let out an irritated sigh as i finished my bacon and crossed my arms.

"Well, i am completely against this idea so can we just get back to our rooms now and pretend this shit never happened?" I asked with a fake sweet smile and voice as i looked at my not-so-hideous looking mother who hasn't changed over the past few years.

"Scarlett, we have already decided that you five will attend the school in auradon and get fairy godmother's magic wand so we can finally get out of this damned island." My mom said with her face twisted in disgust. You would have thought that she was already used to living here in the island but no, my mother needs to get the best.

I began to examine my black nails as i saw maleficent give her spell book to mal from my peripheral vision. I looked at my mom who rested a hand at mal's shoulder and patted it proudly. I narrowed my eyes at this and internally wanted to rip someone's head off when i heard a car horn.

I began to stand up and pick up my duffel bagon the floor when i heard maleficent say " Beth! Give you daughter your ring, she'll need it." before she disappeared with mal sending me a 'help-me-i'm-bored-to-death' look.

I looked at my mother's cold eyes as she removed a gold ring that was around her ring finger that was embedded with a hypnotizing red ruby. She took my hand and opened my palm then dropped the ring on it. She looked at me in the eyes and said the words she has always repeated to me.

"Do not be a disgrace to me. I expect the best from you." I let out a sigh then nodded as pulled my hand away from her grasp and wore the ring before exiting the dining area, leaving her there and my memories of her that already scarred my heart.

When i stepped outside, i saw the vehicle we would be riding in being crowded by the other poor people in the island. I saw that mal already got in which meant i was the last, as usual. I tossed my bag at the driver and i saw him stumble back when he grasped it.

I smirked then got inside the car, not even sparing another glance behind me, knowing that i would just see my least favorite person in the whole island.

I sat in between evie and mal as mal just stared off into space and i began plotting my own plan for when we arrive in auradon.

"Here carly, you might wanna retouch cause your complexion is so not royal-worthy." Evie said as she began brushing her brush at my cheeks, making me feel as if i was her canvas.

I slapped her hand away from my face then put a lock of hair behind my ear. "Ugh, stop. I'm.. plotting." I say dismissively as i began to think again.

"Well... its not very attractive." She shot back as she took a bite of a candy.

I leaned back on the leather chair and began to sink into my thoughts until carlos' loud voice broke me out of my concentration.

"ITS A TRAP!! WE'RE DOOMED!!" I looked behind me and saw that the vehicle was heading straight to the broken bridge. My eyes widened then a scream broke out from my lips as we all hugged each other for, possibly, the last time.

But when painful,cold and disgusting terror didn't wash over my body, i opened my eyes to see a golden bridge suddenly appeared under the vehicle as it continued to drive along the magical path. Mal turned her attention back to the driver at the front then caught his attention.

"Hey, did this little button just opened up the magic barrier?" She asked as she held a small remote.

"No, this one opens up the magic barrier," the driver then lifted a much more smaller remote then continued to drive. "No one comes to my garage." Was his last words then suddenly the window was covered by the button he pressed.

"Okay.." Mal laughed and i just rolled my eyes but i managed a small grin. "Nasty.. I like that guy."

The others relaxed and began acting like earlier as i finally finished my brilliant beyond brilliant master plan.

Auradon, here we come.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now