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I'm starting to hate this godforsaken place more and more.

First, they scared me out of my wits in the bridge earlier. Second, that prissy spoiled princess kept shooting me daggers making me wanna pluck her eyeballs out and Third, they expect me to room with another prissy princess.

I muttered a curse under my breath as i gripped my hold tighter on the strap of my duffel bag slung on my shoulder as i walked to my dorm room which i won't be sharing with mal or evie.

The people here are so trying to tick me off.

When i saw the plate number of my room on one door, i immediately walked toward it and opened it without hesitation.

What? I mean, i am going to room here starting today so, why show manners when its where I'm gonna rest my butt off?

When i opened the door, one words instantly popped into my head and went straight out of my mouth.

"Disgusting." I bluntly said out loud as i stared at the pink and teal colored room that had sunlight pouring inside, leaving no corner of the room darkened.

I want to puke. So bad. This place is even worse than i imagined it.

As my eyes wandered at the room they stopped at a petite looking girl standing at the center of the room with a big smile, as if she was expecting me.

"Hi!" She chirped at me with her overly enthusiastic voice making me wanna cover my ears.

"Who the hell are you?" I questioned as i raised an eyebrow at her direction.

"I'm Lonnie. Your roommate." She says excitedly as i just let out an irritated sigh as i pass her figure and walked over to my bed.

"Oh, by the way, if you have any questi–"

"Yeah they already filled me up on that so you can just keep your mouth shut now." I snapped at her as i began to unpack my stuff on the closet and drawers, wanting to get everything over.

"Okay then.. No need to explode.." She muttered making me release a large sigh.

This is gonna be a long ride.


I cannot believe that i will be rooming with one of the people from the Isle of the Lost, its so refreshing since i don't know what kind of person i'll be rooming with since she came from another place.

I paced around the room nervously as i waited my new roommate to open the door and step inside. I was nervous honestly because i didn't know if she was nice or... Not.

When she arrived, i almost ran to her and hugged her into oblivion because she looked so awesome with her outfit and all.

But when we began talking, she wasn't so.. Pleasant with me. I think she hates socializing.. Or she just doesn't like new people.

Oh well.. I am still determined to become her friend no matter what.

I was just about to bring out my homework and begin on it when she stood up and began to wear her shoes and fix herself.

"Where are you going?" I blurted out of curiosity. I know she doesn't like me very much but I'm still her roommate.

"None of your business, thank you very much." She responded coldly as she began to head to the door.

"And don't wait up." Were her last words before stepping out of the door.

I guess having a new roommate won't be so easy then.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now