𝐱𝐢. ━ POWERS

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"Carly, can i borrow 20 dollars from you? I need more material to make the sleeves." Evie asked me as soon as me and mal walked inside their dorm room after the scene in the washroom earlier.

"You already owe me 87 dollars and you still haven't payed me so, your answer is a big no." I immediately replied then flopped down on the first bed my eyes laid on.

"Ugh.. I promise to pay you back!" Evie persisted as she sat down beside my body that laid unmoving in the soft bed that smelled of detergent. I smelled it some more then curled up in the sheets, feeling the sleepiness at the back of my mind already.

"You said that many times but i don't have my money yet so no. And that's final." I said with a hard voice making her groan and stand up. I closed my eyes then settled my body on the soft bed.

"So what happened?" I heard evie's voice somewhere but i wasn't sure where.

"It was a success. But something else happened.."


"Audrey. That's what.."

( F O R T Y - F I V E M I N U T E S A G O )

"Well, we can begin by stitching up that big mouth of yours." I threatened at the hideous fake in front of me and mal as she looked at us with this devious smirk placed in her plastic face.

"I would do that if i were you. Remember, i have the leverage here. I can tell everyone what you're actually planning. And tricking Fairy Godmother's daughter isn't going to look good for you if you mess with me." Audrey threatened as she shot us a look of disgust.

"If you're planning on doing this, you must want something in return, what do you want?" Mal bluntly says as if going straight to the point. And what mal said made sense. Everybody wants something and just by looking at this girl's face, i know her heart has more darkness than it should have.

"Oh nothing much.. Just want to warn you to stay away from Ben." She said with her clearly fake smile plastered on her equally fake face.

Mal raised an eyebrow at her direction then crossed her arms together, like the pieces of this whole scene finally forming together.

"Now i get it." Mal breaths out as she stares at Audrey, amusement twinkling in her eyes. "You feel threathened with Carly here, don't you?"

At what she said, my eyes suddenly widened at what she said making me snap my head towards her.

"Excuse me?"


Me and audrey said at the same time, shock clearly evident in our voices.

"Oh please, i'm not an idiot. I saw the way Ben looked at you yesterday, don't act like you don't know it either." When she said the last words, she turned to look at the girl in front of us, who was clearly trying to mask her emotions.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Audrey said through gritted teeth, her hands balling up into fists.

"Oh but i do.. And i think, you just can't accept that a guy like him will never show love to a girl like you." Mal said that was filled with so much cruelty even i almost shuddered.

Keyword, almost.

"You bitch!" Audrey shouted as she took only two long strides in front of mal then raised her hand in the air to slap mal.

Making me alert, i instantly stepped in front of her then raised my left hand in front of Audrey just before her hand dropped to mal's face.

"Stop." I commanded and to my suprise, she did. My eyes widened at shock to see that her body was indeed frozen. Her face was completely still but her eyes still kept moving, confusion and a hint of fear written in her eyes.

"Woah.. What did you do?" Mal asks me as we circle around audrey, trying to wrap our brain in what's currently in front of us.

"I don't know.." I mutter then realization hit me like a truck, making me look down at the ring that was worn on my finger.

"The ring."


"The ring. Its what's done this." I looked up at mal as we continued to examine audrey.

"Your mom has some serious evil stuff under her sleeves." Mal said making me roll my eyes.

"So what do we do now?" I asked her as i darted my eyes from audrey to the door back and forth.

"Well.. What we need to do now is make sure no one sees her this way, or else we get into serious trouble and we haven't even grabbed the wand yet." Mal said as she walke over to the door then locked the door.

"Can you.. Command her to do something?' She asks as she walked closer to audrey with arms crossed on her chest.

"Like what?"

"Like... Command her to forget everything she saw and heard earlier." She said bluntly making my eyes widened for a fraction.

"Can you do it?" She asked again making me cough.

"I think so." I bit out as i released a long breath.

"Okay. Then do it."

I walked in front of audrey's frozen figure then rubbed my hands together  and closed my eyes shut as i released a heavy sigh.

When i opened them, i heard someone release a but at that moment, its as if i was a completely different person.

"Now, audrey.. I want to do something."

"... And that's what happened." Mal finishes as she finished telling evie everything.

"Woah.. That was so awesome." Evie breath out as she placed a hand on her waist.

"Kinda.. Anyways, have you seen jay and carlos?" Mal asked as i heard her footsteps walk across the room.

"I think they went for the tourney try outs."

"I just hope they won't forget what we're really here for." Mal responded icily.

"How could they even try to forget?"

And at that, unconciousness finally enveloped my mind.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now