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( S C A R L E T T )

I didn't know where i was the first time i opened my eyes. All i remembered was fighting my mother and passing out. But as i felt the soft sheets and the comfortable pillows around me, it seemed like all thoughts about that flew out of my mind too.

But then Ben came to mind, and suddenly, i was sitting up and taking in my surroundings, which mostly consisted of yellow, brown and blue.

I took notice of my attire and saw that my dress was long gone, and instead was replaced by a white long shirt and boy shorts. The sunlight was peeking through the windows and the birds nearby began their daily chirping, making me notice the headache that was slowly forming in my head.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and in walked Beasty, who looked like he hadn't slept in days and his hair looked like he ran his hands through it a million times.

We stared at each other's eyes for what seemed like forever until i cleared my throat and muttered a hoarse "Hi."

He swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing up and down before replying. "Hey.." He took careful steps forward until he finally sat with me on the bed. After awhile, i noticed that he was still wearing the same undershirt from the coronation, which was a white dress shirt, except now he had the sleeves rolled up.

He hesitantly held my cold hand in his warm one, tracing every curve, every line and every finger there is as he kept his eyes on our intertwined hands.

When my questions became louder than the silence, i opened my mouth and asked the inevitable. "Ben, what happened to me? How long have i been out?"

He didn't answer me at first and just kept his eyes trained down, but as a minute passed, he brokenly replied to my question.

    "Two weeks.. You've been sleeping for two weeks."

My eyes widened at the fact that i just missed 14 days of my life, but relieved that it wasn't much later than that. I took notice of how tight he held my hand, now with both hands and his head hung low.

".. I-I thought you'd never wake up.." He stuttered, and when i saw his shoulders shaking, i knew then that he was crying, which broke my heart even more. "The doctors said... that because of your fight with your mother.. the magic from the ring drained you completely.."

"You really gave it your all.. And i couldn't be prouder, but.. without you, i feel like i'm not gonna be able to function properly."

I squeezed his hand back with as much energy as i could muster, which wasn't much, but i could tell that he noticed. I couldn't stand not seeing my favourite pair of brown eyes so i placed my thumb under his chin and brought his eyes up to meet mine.

1.1 | 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘. ❨ DESCENDANTS ❩Where stories live. Discover now