𝐱𝐱𝐯. ━ THE END

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The sun was bright, the birds were chirping, the leaves were dancing to the wind and the flowers were blooming. Life was good in Auradon as Maleficent is contained as well as the Queen of Hearts, and the Villain Kids are finally fitting in.

Speaking of...

"You know, I'm thinking of dying my hair.. blonde." Mal suddenly spoke out of the blue, making the two girls present in the dorm room look up at her.

"Where is that coming from?" Evie wondered as she continued to make her science project on the table, painting the planets according to their said colour and adding touches of detail.

Meanwhile, the other girl in the room couldn't care less seeing as she had her hair dyed brown a couple of weeks ago, giving it a healthy wooden glow. "Are you jealous of me, mal?"

The purple haired girl rolled her eyes at the teasing of her now brown-haired friend, having being used to it all her life. She then brought out her spell book and searched for a hair spell, one for longer hair and one for a colour change.

When she did find the two that she needed, she stood in front of the mirror while her two friends watched on, anticipation clear in their eyes.

"Beware for swear, replace the short & dark, with long & light hair." At those words and a few flicks of her fingers, now stood in front of the mirror was a new, chic blonde Mal her long hair reaching up to her waist, making Scarlett's eyebrows go up.

Evie whistled from where she sat, science project long forgotten as her eyes remained trained on the reflection of a certain ex-villain kid standing in front of the mirror.

"Damn, chica!"

Mal let out a laugh as she stroked her new hair, biting her lip in fascination as her eyebrows scrunched, thinking that there was something missing in her appearance.

"Something's missing.." Carly voiced out, making Mal nod her head in agreement before her eyes widened, finally realising what it was.

With a flick of her fingers, purple ribbons came out of thin air and merged with a couple of strands of her blonde hair, giving the tips a vibrant purple.

"And, it's done." Mal turned around a faced her friends with her new look, their reactions varying each other. Evie left with her mouth gaping and Carly with a smile on her face.

"You are seriously so wickedly hot right now, that if i don't stop staring, i'd probably turn and support the other team." Carly and Mal laughed at the blueberry princess' antics.

Before Carly could say anything, her cellphone rang beside her in the bed, making her pick the device up and check the screen to see what was alerting it.

What she saw made her smile and stand up from the bed, running a hand in her hair and fixing up the dress that she, surprisingly, wore by her own free will. The pair in the room looked at her knowingly, seeing as it was a Sunday and Family Day, and their friend had a weekly rendezvous.

    "I ha–"

"Go." Evie and mal yelled, making Carly smile before running out of the room, phone in hand with a picture of bed waiting beside the enchanted lake, an attempt to lure her which works all the time.

At the dorm room, Evie was wrapped up in her own thoughts about how magical this whole experience was. And at the back of her mind, she hopes that this peace would last and the disasters could wait, for she knows that they are never gone, just waiting for the perfect time to make an entrance and ruin their lives.

The way to the enchanted lake was smooth for Carly, as she rode her new motorbike given to her by the fairy godmother, and a few modifications made by carlos and jay, as her welcoming gift to Auradon the moment she got her license.

A few minutes of smooth driving and she finally arrived at the same bridge both she and ben crossed on their first date. She smiled to herself before walking through it again, hands on the ropes at the sides and eyes trained ahead.

Once she was in the other side of the bridge, she then took off her wedge heels and decided to walk barefoot towards the lake, the soft moss covering the ground giving her comfort each step.

Two minutes of walking, and the lake was already in sight. Carly smiled and ran the remaining distance, immediately spotting Ben at the edge of the lake wearing swimming trunks, clothes folded at the side.

Hearing footsteps from behind, Ben turned around just in time to catch Carly into his arms and spin her around, immediately planting a bright smile upon his girlfriend's face.

"Ben! Put me down." She laughed out, but the young king complied and set her light figure down on the ground, keeping their bodies as near as possible.

"You know you love it when i do that."

"Hmm.. maybe i do." Both felt happy being in each other's arms, like two puzzle pieces were finally becoming a whole. Ben bent his head low, hoping to sneak a kiss.

But Carly wasn't having it when she suddenly slipped out of his warm hold and took off her dress, leaving her in her white two piece bikini that revealed her long legs and flat stomach.

She smiled at Ben's reaction which consisted of a gaping face and a frozen figure as she walked towards the water, having learned how to swim a couple of weeks back due to swimming lessons from Lonnie, her roommate.

"Come on, Beasty."

With a bedazzled ben on the beach, Carly dived in the lake with perfect form, head first and just glided her body underwater.

A few seconds later, Ben recovered, and instantly dived into the water to chase his troublemaker. Carly was laughing in a distance as she floated above the large mass of clear blue. She couldn't seen where ben was seeing as she was neck deep into the water.

But she felt him, hands tickling the sides of her stomach from behind, making the brunette laugh out and turn around, just to see her grinning boyfriend.

No words were spoken as Carly pulled him close by placing her hands at the nape of his neck, pulling his body against hers and bringing her face down his, sealing their lips in a wet yet heartfelt kiss that didn't stop failing to make their hearts skip a beat every time.

Their lips remained together for a few minutes until Ben broke free for air to once again to invade his lungs, causing for a smile to bloom on his loved one's lips.

"I love you."

Ben's eyes widened at those words, not because he was hearing them, but because he didn't expect it. But as he looked into her eyes, and saw her immense happiness, he couldn't help but open his mouth and say–

    "I love you too. And i promise.. that i will never stop."

And to seal the vow, they did it with a kiss.

    THE END...

             OR IS IT?

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